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Chris Hammer

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Everything posted by Chris Hammer

  1. Doesnt bother me any either. We used to hike alot and I could mow right through it and not worry. Every once in a while I would get a little itch but I think it was more of being hot and dirty than the poison ivy. That being said I dont purposely rub it on myself. I knew a kid in sschool that would brag about it not affecting him. Will one day he rubbed it on his tongue. Sure enough he had a reaction and his tongue swelled and so did his throat. To the point the paramedics were called and he was incubated(Proper spelling?)
  2. Will the 4K is giving them a little over RMS still... So you shouldnt have any problems driving them. My only question would be how tall your box is going to be for all 6 18's to fit in there and be ported.
  3. you're recommending an amp that will output twice as much power as the sub is rated for. yeah thats smart Rated for yes....but real world it handles it just fine. If he wants to play it safe he can get D4 and run it a 2ohm.
  4. BRZ1200 if its a dual 2ohm coil. Its what I ran for about 6 months. The sa-12 handles it like a champ and never got smelly. Sometimes got a little warm on the dustcap but I never really turned the gain up in fear of clipping and I dont have a DD-1 Spend the 160$ on the BRZ. Use the other 90$ to buy some good quality OFC 4gauge. Knu Kollosus has my vote. Get enought to do the Big 3 also. And have a little money leftover. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_23548_Hifonics-Brutus-BRZ1200.1D.html http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KFX-AK4
  5. If its an older amp it probably isnt stable at 2ohms bridged. Older a/b and alot of newer ones are 2ohm stereo 4ohm bridged. Just because it worked before doesnt mean your amp has finally had enough. Mybe your electrical was a little better in the old car..
  6. Maybe a probelem in the wiring to the o2 sensor. The wiring that ran to my MAF sensor had a problem in my mercury mountaineer. The connector was the culprit. the wire wasnt crimped very well where the pins slide into the plastic outer piece and it would rattle/move so every once in a while it would throw a code and it would be for the maf.
  7. What about when you put stuff in the trunk?? WOnt the paint scratch/chip/peel? if the hardwood laminate doesn't scratch/chip/peel, theres no reason why it would.....He also could paint the bottom side of the plexi so it just hides the hardwood floor edge. A screw every 4-5 inches or so would probably look nice matching the vents on the sides and the long hinge. Yea didnt think of that.
  8. cool now take the extra money and get a pellet gun. DOUBLE TROUBLE
  9. Get a pellet gun. For about 20$ more you can get the kind you pump 10-15 times and they will kill small animals. Pellets are cheap. Hours and hours of can/soda/flour shooting fun. I wasted so many hours shooting those things haha.
  10. Prefab boxes suck... If they are ported...they are usually tuned wayyy to high. Sealed if they are close to specs than they are OK...but who wants to get 2-12's to run them sealed. Ported would be louder but you need to build one thats tuned lower with right airspace and port size/length. If you arent goos with wood...find a friend who was good in woodshop and have them build it. If you can get plans/design on here for free...than anybody who can build off of plans can build the box for you. My brother knows nothing of box tuning/sizing sq port per cubic foot. But he was in woodshop in highschool. I make the plans give them to him and he builds them and gets credit. Win Win.
  11. I am looking for used Ipod Touch 4th gen. Dont care if back is scratched. As long as screen is scratch free or maybe 1-2 small small scratches that is ok. No dents. and 100% working order. Ill pay 100$ plus shipping cost of a small flate rate USPS box. PM if you have one you want to sell please. Im not interested in GEN1-GEN3. Might be interested in a classic but the price would have to be ridiculously good. I can pay 100-110$ for one on ebay right now but figured I would rather give money to someone thats part of the SMD community first.
  12. What about when you put stuff in the trunk?? WOnt the paint scratch/chip/peel?
  13. Why does it have to be removeable if it all folds up?? I say silicone it in there with clear silicone so you cant see it through the plexi. You should probably build a trim ring to go around it...in which case you could hide screws. Ehh there are a couple different ways but I agree on the idea with the brad nails and frame style mounting.
  14. Some a-hole kids were on a building next to target with one of those Krypton ones that burns skin/balloons/ etc. SHining it on people leaving entering target. Bastard got me on the back of the neck and took to long to hide so I saw him. Went and took that lazer from him. He was like 15-16 where the hell you get 300+$ for a laser? I didnt realize how expensive they were or else I wouldnt have tossed it behind target in their bins while I was driving out. Woulda been cool to keep now that I think about it. What do you need the laser for?
  15. BRZ line does rated...some slight more some a little less but right in the ballpark. What amp are you looking at exactly?
  16. Not that I havent read anything I havent read before in this thread. But STFU your an idiot. You probably didnt know how to hook up an amp or anything at one point. Unless you were the only person in this world born with knowledge on all things car audio. Instead of being an ass and pushing away those new to car audio why dont you post something helpful....this hobby needs the most people it can have. On this forum we are better off educating them than pushing them outta here to go to the all knowing "friend" and getting their crap messed up.
  17. Or for 5-600 you could do a budget setup. Get a cheaper JVC headunit with less features if you dont need some of the stuff. Skip the Preamp/or EQ if you are just running head unit power for your speakers. Get a used amplifier off of here or CACO thats like 500wrms or similar and get a sundown E-12 or e-15. Build your own box. I bet you could come in under 600$ and maybe squeeze in a new set of speakers too.
  18. What kinda sub do you have? do you have subs or was the 200watt amp for your speakers? 5-600$ for all three here is my suggestion because you want JVC. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_46498_JVC-KD-R80BT.html For your head unit. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_37237_Power-Acoustik-PWM-70.html For the EQ since you wanted Power Acoustik. Let us know your sub setup or speaker setup and what you want an amp for and Ill suggest something for either.
  19. Time and money spent on a lawyer....plus the possibilitty of losing your job makes that a poor choice IMHO. I would love to see someone do that and stick it to the man for dicrimination...but in reality he is worried about losing his job or working a different shift. I doubt he has the money to lose his job...pay lawyer costs and fight this thing for years. They will drag it out as long as possible even if they know they will lose. purely for the reason most people dont have the funds to fight a long legal battle.
  20. fuck that. So youd take less money and work harder because the other job was given to a woman. Everyone is preaching PC and equal opportunity and thats bullshit. You get what you earn. You shouldnt get things given to you because of who you know what color your skin is or your gender etc. You should get it for busting your ass and proving your worth. What his company is doing is defnitely not ok in my book. Most of us feel this way about it. Just can't think of a way to do anything about it. We know if we do anything the company is going to figure out a legal way to screw us for causing a glitch in the matrix. To lawyer up is risky considering we could loose the case and owe a pretty penny for legal fees. Even if we won I'm not sure it would do much for us. Maybe get the positions we should have gotten and money toward the legal battle. They should have to do something about it but the more I'm looking into it, the more I think we will basically have to live with it. None of us can afford to hire lawyers and take the risk. It should not be this way. You should not have to spend money to fix a problem that you are the victim of but that seems to be just the way it is. I would look for a new/better job and just work through your current one until you find another one. Fighting a corporation is like digging a swimming pool with your bare hands. You could win/finish....but in the end the amount of time and money lost...will it really be worth it?
  21. fuck that. So youd take less money and work harder because the other job was given to a woman. Everyone is preaching PC and equal opportunity and thats bullshit. You get what you earn. You shouldnt get things given to you because of who you know what color your skin is or your gender etc. You should get it for busting your ass and proving your worth. What his company is doing is defnitely not ok in my book. Yea but unfortunately in Corporate places its not like that. I work for a certain Telecom company and above my boss it is solid women until you hit CEO and VP's. Women are picked first and advance faster. Women that are also a minority advance the fastest....and not that anyone will really come out and say it publiclly but they have a quotta of white male to minority they have to keep or surpass. My stepdads on a high management level and is responsible for a large area of Southern California. They have to higher people somethimes solely on the fact that they are a "minority" even though there may be another person who is a white male that is much better qualified, because they can't have a work group entirley of white men or even white women. All political BS in my opinion. It should be the best qualified gets the job period. No favoring.
  22. Bedliner looks better and you can clean it. The plastidip is rubbery and attracts the dust. In my experience anyways.. You cant realy just wipe it off. I used it on the box for the reason I couldnt bolt it down and the plastidip helped it grip the seat without tearing it up. Bedliner gets my vote still though.
  23. If they spray on outta a can they usually arent as thick and not as tough as the roll on. at least my experience. Im with MRD6. Get the Herculiner. Its not ridiculously expensive and compared to the cost of the rest of your project its probably nothing. It will look and work better than the rustoleum duplicoler and spray on stuff. On another note. I did paint one of my boxes and used the spray plastidip stuff in black (primered first). It worked pretty good and the way my box fit over my back seats(so it was removeable) it helped it to not slide or shift at all....Plus if it scrapes up anywhere or get dinged you have put a light coat over it. Its almost rubbery with not much texture.
  24. What kinda car? Whats left in the car? What kinda power were you running before? Do you want to go bigger or just better quality? THese are all things you need to tell us to let us help you. We know nothing from the car and that stuff got stolen we cant help you because we dont know your space to work with..your budget..what you are looking for sq spl sql etc. Give us more info LOL.
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