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Everything posted by WastedTalent

  1. Ok with your pics, I'm never putting my pics up. I'm not sure if you consider yours along the line of professionally installed but mine is nowhere near yours. Lol. We have confirmed I will never do pics of my sound deadening. Lol. But, I've noticed that too. My trunk would rattle so I got some damp pro and put it on. Trunk rattles no more, now it's the rear shelf. Not exactly fun. I'm sure the rattles would move elsewhere after. But it's all good. Traps the metal so no vibrating and keeps the sound in so it's almost soundproof. I used to notice I could hear a lot outside... bass, music, even people talking (when I was outside and they were inside waiting)... shit, not no more.
  2. Lol, I've actually never heard of it until I saw west coast customs. They were doing the owner of Monster Cable's car and had some sealed boxes. They weren't happy with how the subs were acting so they threw in polyfill and much better. I never knew if it really worked or not since they do whatever they want and say whatever they wanna say on tv, but thanks to Steve... we know it's true. It does help. Although I'm sure much of what is on TV as far as those type of shows is over-rated or could be done way better, nice to know at least that part is true. Sort've like mythbusters eh? Lol.
  3. Question. I know the best place to read voltage (for car audio at least) is at the amp, as you want to know what the amp is actually getting. And I see that you say Steve that the cigarette lighter adapter is for those without big systems. Just wondering how useful/accurate it is (or will be) compared to wiring it to the amp in the smaller systems.
  4. So was thinkin about doing a 5K. Think I'll just follow the girl with the nicest ass.

  5. I'd get a DDM that's reliable. I know those voltage readouts can be faulty at times.
  6. Am gonna just come out and say this right now, I'm nowhere near that lol. That teaser you put up... good quality, or at least appears to be, from the speakers. Then subs doin some work in the other vid. Good shit man. I'm waiting for this alt of yours to come and then you completely re-do your build.
  7. Why does every low budget film (the stuff you see on SyFy) have hot chicks and the premium movies MAY have one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Don't get me wrong, I love me some Angelina or Aniston, but movie called Airborne... I saw the first 10 mins of it and 4 hot ass chicks. That's cool, but why is there so many on B movies and 1 IF 1 in premier movies? I don't get it lol. They can put hot chicks everywhere in premier movies.

    3. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Chicks cheat about the thin plot of the film. Making alot of

      dumb guys to tell that they saw

      a good film. Bringing more people to watch the film! That´´s it.

    4. TylerParrish


      It's how they draw your attention away from the shitty acting and lacking graphics.

  8. S Bond? WTF? Last time I checked, it was Bond, James Bond. Lmfao. But very nice. 1 day shipping... pretty fast I must admit.
  9. Me and the sun about to have a war. Can't see a damn thing on my laptop. So much for watching movies eh? Good thing it'll hit blinds soon and then I'll be able to see. Sun in my eyes and glare like a mofo in every direction.

  10. Time to watch the A-Team, Act of Valor, and probably a few other movies at work. Hopefully keeps me awake.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WastedTalent


      I got the work computer, my laptop, free wifi, microwave, tv (but that's risky), free coffee, etc. Lol. Just hating today because normally work 8 hours, today is a 14 hour day. Gettin 6 hours overtime.

    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      damn lol way better than what he had... i work 10 hour days 6 days a week :S mandatory overtime shit sucks other than the paycheck lol

    4. WastedTalent


      I'd take it. I work 40 hrs a week (cept this one obviously) and broke as a joke (even without car audio). I'll even take 1 hr a week overtime. Lol.

  11. Voltage didn't drop that much (.2-.3 volts) and for not long. I mean if it was .5 volts lower than what it should be for couple months? Ok, possibly screwed. But 10 days? I would imagine you're alright. But I'm not the XS rep, they'd be the experts.
  12. Anyone know about brakes? What the going rate is for new brakes? Seen Midas offering $80 per axle.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azagtoth502


      discs are dead simple, drums not much harder

    3. Rebel4055


      Brakes are VERY simple.

    4. J R

      J R

      If your just buying and installing pads it is a lot easier to do it yourself.  You can get them as cheap as $30 for all 4.  I bought good ones for my truck and I paid $180 for all 4.  It's not hard at ALL.

  13. "According to NASA, the shuttle-shuttling 747s handle more sluggishly at slow speeds, burn about twice the amount of fuel and have to be more careful about avoiding inclement weather. (A normal 747 can go over 5,000 nautical miles; the retrofitted NASA 747s barely exceed 1,100 nautical miles in one go.)" Source: http://dcist.com/2012/04/how_the_747_managed_to_carry_the_sh.php It does state that the shuttle 747 weighs as much as a 747 with JUST passengers, or atleast that's what they say. But also consumes a lot more fuel.
  14. While I get that since it is simple to get, as if your vehicle is empty, it'll get the best gas mileage. Fill it up and weigh it down, it'll suffer on gas mileage. But isn't a shuttle heavier than all the cargo (baggage and persons) of a normal flight? I know, just another way of making money but still... carries a jet but has problem with baggage. Ironic to me.
  15. While it's cool and all, not putting that down at all, how the hell can airlines charge us for overweight baggage? I mean seriously, can carry a shuttle but has problem with baggage? Anyways, definitely cool that you got to see it in person. Likin the pics.
  16. x2. Not sure why people would want to wire to .5 if they aren't 1-a damn guru 2-willing to take the risk of losing potentially thousands of dollars (depends on amp and all that) and 3-if their setup is already loud for them. Me for example, I'd never want .5 ohms no matter the electrical or whatnot cause my system? Does me proud. Sure, may not be 150db but as someone said somewhere on here recently... if it's good for you, great. So although I'm not putting up those magical numbers like everyone, I also don't care since I like mine. So stupid to even try .5 if you're happy with your setup and such. I can understand trying it for like a ride around the block just to see though, but hooking it up for good? Get outta here...
  17. Tired of this college crap. Same damn answer for every question. Literally.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Trolled dude at college thanks to this site. Lmfao.

    3. BassJunkie


      Been getting alot of this myself.  Repetitive to put it lightly.

    4. WastedTalent


      It's alright to not know but to say you do know and what you actually know is wrong? Hate that. I didn't come on here claiming I know everything and in actuality I know nothing. I claim I know nothing and probably prove I know a little bit more than what I do say I know. Nothing wrong with that as I'm here to learn and help those who I can with good information.

  18. sometimes... rarelly but sometimes... sites go slow. I can download movies from putlocker at 1mb/s and at other times we're in the 120kb/s range. Download movies (roughly all the same size) in 10 minutes to 4 hours. (btw, good site to get movies from. just need the actual link of each movie since they don't have directory there)
  19. I would suggest, if this seems slow, at the same time try google or something. If google is fast, it's the site. If google is slow, then it's your provider or equipment (router or whatnot)
  20. linksys >> dlink>> netgear 802.11N is the faster mainstream speed widely available currently still iirc. But if your wireless router is older, even with a faster 802.11N wireless network card, you will only receive the speed and range of whatever your router is. Since most network cards are backwards compatible with the older router speeds, but useless to buy the newer faster tech if your router isnt going to support those said speeds. So maybe worth something to look into also. True, but considering he did say it was fine for months and then has slowed... makes me think it's not the router. I've never heard of a router slow down. If it does 15mb/s down, always has done 15mb/s. It's the receiving end that usually screws up. But fact he did say that loses connection, maybe it is the router and it's connecting/disconnecting. Had that with mine the other day. Wired would work, wireless was a no-go. Unplugged, plugged back in, everything works now. And I somehow think he's tried that haha.
  21. You gotta think, is it just this site or is it the entire internet? If sometimes searching on google is slow, obviously it's the entire internet, which would then be your provider. But if this is fast for a few mins, then slow for a few mins... and the rest of the internet is fast? Nothing wrong with your provider. It's the site. So that's the only thing I was trying to bring up... that at times this site does basically crash for a minute or two, then acts like normal.
  22. Netgear is pretty good. As far as which one? No clue. My laptop came with built in wifi, and I have my desktop wired. No wireless for it, which has been a pain at times, but eh. I'd honestly go to a computer store (not Bob's computer shack, a place like microcenter) and they'll hook you up. If you don't wanna do that route, you could just go wherever electronics are sold and look at speeds. Obviously the more pricier, the better they perform...SUPPOSEDLY. Edit: Ok so your in NZ, so not sure what they have for computer stores but a place that's big named and such. Not just a local podunk place
  23. Probably your wireless card cause I use 2 different computers and 2 different internets. I use my laptop both at home and work (the 2 different internets) and then sometimes use my desktop and laptop (have had SMD up on both at once a few times haha) and it's normally decently fast. I mean the whole page won't load in like .00002 sec, but 1-2 seconds. There are times where it literally takes like 2 minutes.
  24. Anyone know what type of office to go see about VA benefits? Outpatient clinic? Regional office? Just wanna sit down and talk to someone, see what I'm elgibile for.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Very true, thanks a lot Maebros.

    3. Maebros


      not  a  problem. the va  knows me  pretty well considering  im up there asses all the time  about shit. so if you have other qurestions  just  shoot me  a  P.M.  ill be glasd to  help

    4. sayhuh?



      Go there and search. You can also call the toll free number. They can put you in touch with someone. Also, use your local vets clubs. Like  American Legion, etc. They also have people to talk to or put you in touch with. Joining the VFW or AL is a good thing. You meet all kinds of people to help.

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