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Everything posted by n1ghtsn1p3r

  1. Debating on BF4 (PC) My backlog is huge though. I keep buying games and never finishing them
  2. I'm in. I'm assuming that I'm #13 (posted #12, but got ninjad)
  3. Slow upload speed is slow. 24+ hours to upload a 5gig video, so I compressed it to just under 1 gig and now it's about 4+ hours. Still have about 3 hours left.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Yeah. I only have like a .5 meg upload. It's like 3M up .5M down

      Sucks. Better than nothing, though

    3. n8ball2013


      well that and damn near the entire interwebs is being ddosed.

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r


      So that's what was going on. I was wondering why everything kept not responding whether I was uploading or not, no matter what sites I went to. There was no way that my uploading should have affected regular browsing that bad.

  4. Holy crap the intro is amazing. I want to get a 1080p recording of it done. All teh videos I'm finding either split it up, or they cut out part of the cool part.
  5. I played a little bit of it, then realized that I had forgotten about the Industrial Revolution preorder bonus items, along with the extra stuff from buying the Season Pass (bought it after I already passed the part where you get them). Oh well, I wasn't too far past there anyway. I need to tweak my controls a bit more. I don't like some of the default ones, and I hated it even more when I remapped the Vigor, Melee, and Ironsights buttons. Also, GeForce Experience just updated with the Bioshock Infinite optimization profile. I'm already able to run it on Ultra with almost no issues, but I haven't tried the Alternate post processing preset.
  6. n8 would probably slay anybody that kills him I found out that it had nothing but the admin mod after I posted. Finally got the game to work (had to restart steam).
  7. LOL. A game comes out that mocks the game industry's abuse of DLC, and within minutes EA's CEO steps down lol. Coincidence?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. purplesyrup
    3. n1ghtsn1p3r


      The game is called DLC Quest.

      And yeah, it's like buying a $60 game and then having to pay way more money to get the full experience. Like the Sims series, for example. You buy the main game for $60, then the expansions start coming out, which are like $30 each.

      Just for The Sims 3, there's NINE $30-$40 gameplay expansions (plus 2 more unreleased ones), and about 10 $20 item packs

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r


      The game is only $3.


      I'm planning on trying to livestream it later tonight: http://www.twitch.tv/n1ghtsn1p3r

  8. No Back when the CSS clan I was in had our own server, we used to abuse the crap out of the admin controls sometimes (only when everybody on the server was okay with it). Freezing hackers and teleporting them out of the map was fun. One time we had a regular in there who wanted us to turn him into a timebomb every round and turn on alltalk so he could scream jibberish while he ran toward the enemies until he blew up. It was hilarious, but a couple of the randoms got pissed off about it, while everybody else in the server was laughing.
  9. Is the server vanilla, or does it have mods as well (even something simple as Quakesounds)? For some reason I can't get Source to launch and I've been gone since I first saw this thread, so I haven't had a chance to fix it yet.
  10. As long as it's not one of those rapid fire controllers, then I'm interested. I like the idea of swapping thumbsticks out when they go bad. My current 360 controller has the drift issue and is starting to slow-turn (I used the crap out of it back when I played MW3 on the 360, but I mostly use it for driving games on the PC now). I thought Valve had already patented the swapable D-pad and thumbsticks thing.
  11. Tarantulas tarantulas Everybody loves tarantulas. If there’s just fuzz where your hamster was. It’s probably because of tarantulas

    1. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Stupid song is stuck in my head now

    2. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      There so soft and their so furry

      And their so cute if your visions blurry

      all mine broke free but don't you worry

      Though they're crawling up your wall in a big hurry

  12. LOL I livestreamed a blank screen for about 30 minutes

    1. ghostrider59927


      what you live streaming?

    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      I did a little Crysis 3 video earlier, testing out a program that I heard of from Fatal1ty (yes that one, the retired pro), during his live stream.

      I had my "start" streaming button tied to my page up key and hit it on accident.

      My Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/n1ghtsn1p3r

  13. I played the crap out of HC TDM on MW2. At least it didn't take half a clip to kill somebody at point blank
  14. I gave up on Blops 2 after I reached level 55. I don't even want to prestige, plus I don't have many friends that play PC either. T= terrorists CT =counter terrorists And the A and B stuff was the map callouts for that particular map.
  15. I agree. If they have a bolt action rifle, the round cycle and re-ADS delay for the next shot, should give you a little bit of an advantage. Doesn't help too much with a semi or full auto one. Got into that habit with Counter strike, especially on de_dust2 at the double doors on the CT spawn side of the middle. Almost always an AWPer on T Spawn checking for CTs to go B. Smoke would probably be more tactical in that situation, but then it blocks the CTs from seeing if the Ts are rushing Long A, Short A, mid, Lower B Tunnels, or B Tunnels. I do hate the ones that do the bunnyhop (strafejump) physics exploit for a speed advantage (although it does make some games, like Quake, more exciting). Not a fan of it being used for more tactical games though. I do like jumping around corners though
  16. PC gives you much finer control. Much easier to jump around a corner on PC. So if a sniper is aiming where your head would be if you ran around the corner, you can jump around instead so it will be a torso shot instead. At least that's how we played in Counter Strike The drop shotters piss me off.
  17. Wow, some shady kid comes to the door trying to sell magazines, then turns around and asks me if I know where to get weed and painkillers.

    1. WastedTalent


      "At your local drug dealer man"

    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Said he was trying to earn money for "college"

      Told him I wasn't interested in any of the magazines, but he took it as because they were magazines.

  18. Crap, I can't find my phone

  19. Seems like Ubisoft is CoDifying a few of it's games. I called it when Revelations was released. Yearly releases of the main games since AC2, and plenty of mobile/handheld spinoffs mixed in as well. I still haven't finished the first one. When I first tried playing it, I had the invisible ground glitch so everything was just floating (the Desmond parts were fine). Made the first main part almost impossible (the cave part at the very beginning), also seeing floating buildings in the first "city" was weird as well. I quit playing it. I bought the 5 main games during a recent Steam sale, just never got around to playing them (ground issue wasn't present this last time I tried AC1).
  20. I'm in for SC2. I have the other ones. I might do something like this as well. I have a few extra copies of some Steam games that I haven't been able to offload yet.
  21. Oh lawd, dat wind. 30-40+MPH, with gusts around 60-70MPH. Had shingles from the other nearby apartment buildings hit our windows.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Snow? What's that? :P

      I did hear that there's a little bit of snow as well. I haven't seen it myself yet.

    3. WastedTalent


      We got roughly 8-12 inches (i don't watch the news and ain't measuring that crap) in a day. Not too bad but... eh. Lol.

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Snowed a couple of inches here about a month ago. It was complete hell to drive in.

      Then again, it rarely snows here. Most of the time it's just flurries

  22. I played with teamjeffrey for a few multiplayer rounds. First game, we got into one of Mr. Sark's games (one of the guys from Machinima Respawn). It was a llittle wierd though. Then again, last time I tried Crysis multiplayer was on Crysis 1, and the rig that I had at the time struggled with it (worked fine on campaign). I still need to finish the campaigns on all of them. Also, Limited Edition is included in Premium IIRC. IDK if you get it if you upgrade from regular to premium, since I bought the Premium Edition. Not sure how much I like that it takes so many bullets to kill something. Then again, I kept getting onto a european server when I would quick join (even after I had already left that server). It's kind of like Halo, CoD, and Crysis had a baby.
  23. BF3 is only $34 right now for the game + premium if you decide on it Do it do it do it do it. Need more guys to play with.
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