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Status Updates posted by revoracing247

  1. after 2 weeks of hard work deadening my car i finally have bass again!!

    1. SnowDrifter


      Nice!!! I bet it sounds a lot better too haha

    2. revoracing247


      a lot cleaner and tighter bass :)

  2. been waiting months to break 1k posts and just realized im 4 over lol oh well

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sayhuh?


      It's weird. THere is this thing called outdoors. :P

    3. RooTxBeeR


      Lmao, I just hit 4k. I feel like snowdrifter.

    4. Tecomah


      I did the exact same thing lol

  3. dang it, i got the engineering bug right now and i really wanna go out and make something!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      A sammich like brother man say sounds good to me to Wasted.....lol. But revoracing247 im feeling you about wanting to make something! I cant sleep because im thinking about what size of a box I want to put in my truck.

    3. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      That's why you have heat or a heater in your gaage, so you can build or put your system together all winter. And be ready by March or April to show it off.

  4. excited to get my new amp tomorrow!

  5. Expanding foam (great stuff) comes from a sticky place in hell

    1. reg93f150


      I dunno what's harder to get off.. the great stuff, or bedliner... Lmao

    2. fox_racin4


      WD40 pulls it off skin

    3. revoracing247


      i'll have to try the wd40 for my hands. know anything to pull it off interior panels??

  6. first snow of the season called for a late night drift sesh :)

  7. getting kind of excited to sell my box this weekend!

  8. i have no idea what to do today

  9. just tried slowing my first song. is there anything i should be worried about? (i used audacity)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. revoracing247


      thanks, i know this might sound retarded but i tried it and it seems like my song is more taxing on my system then other songs in the same frequency range.

    3. 97Jetta1637


      each song has different db levels within them. 46 hz on the radio is quieter than 46 hz on cd. same applies to the quality of the music you uploaded/downloaded then modified.

    4. revoracing247


      but all i did was slow a decaf'd 31hz song by -22.5% to bring it down to 24hz. it could be because i need to give a good charge on my batts but idk

  10. new hobby of mine: walking around my truck and knocking on every surface to hear the differences im getting with deadening

  11. still getting the hang of this whole fiber glass resign stuff. second layer mixed a lot hotter and seems to be curing nicely. hopefully by the morning it'll be ready for more!

    1. Rmichael91


      I'm about to dive into the same task. Making kicks and glassing my rear pillers for tweeters. Doing as much research as I can before I start up on it, rather not screw anything up.

  12. the thing i love about this site is you can ask a question and get answers from great people or from the manufacturers themselves.

  13. truck won't start, out of money, 3 weeks till the end of the semester and i have no motivation for any of it -.-

    1. SnowDrifter


      Limp it back to my place I love projects ;)

  14. went to take off my pos battery terminal today and the whole battery post came with it

    1. CNF Kevosinn
    2. revoracing247


      definitely was time for a new bat

    3. Raptorman
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