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Everything posted by iwalkwithedead

  1. I uploaded video and picture of the "okay" NZXT LED kit - White

    1. zydrix


      i got the blue one an its awesome.

    2. iwalkwithedead


      1m or 2m? I have 1m, it's okay, I just need at least another to make it better.

  2. I have an overclocked gaming PC with no GPU, lame!

    1. boom50cal


      Used GTX 570 will go perfectly in that spot. $160-175 of badass.

    2. iwalkwithedead


      I plan on a future purchase of a GTX670 or a HD 7850 xD ... distant future

  3. mmm, selling my Phantom, somehow, even though it is fresh, wanting to buy Corsair 600T xD

  4. My PC is awesome! I still have selling them awesome case but that's okay.

  5. Corsair H100i installed and looking mighty fine.

  6. No offense to Steve but he sure does an overkill when it comes to gaming PCs. Not hating because if I had the money to blow on unnecssary things I would of course do it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. iwalkwithedead


      Damn that's a monster as well

    3. Omega5002


      No, this is overkill

    4. iwalkwithedead


      That is okay because it's a gaming room with a NAS network. It's more like PC Gamer Heaven than overkill. xD  Hehehehe One of the recommended videos from that video was College Humor: Dora the Explorer movie trailer, lolz, fcking hilarious!

  7. I just realized that I love opening new things however I flippin' hate waiting on them to come. Ah! It's taking forever, I hate it!

  8. I updated my PC build and fixed some things. More to come soon. Desk is also ordered. xD

  9. Happy Turkey Day fools, Gobble Gobble!

  10. Updated my PC, it's slowly getting there.

  11. 3 Words to live and die by. 'The Walking Dead'

    1. Kyblack76


      Stay calm

      Kill walkers

  12. The mad scientist in me wants to hold the world hostage but the kid in me just wants to eat his fruit loops in peace!

  13. The mad scientist in me wants to hold the world hostage but the kid in me just wants to eat his fruit loops in peace!

  14. It's weird... I have no skills, no talents, no real knowledge about car audio; heck not even a car. Yet here I am checking back here 5-10 times a day.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Well, MOST of us don't. *cough cough* Adam

    3. Emmet


      Wait, have no car yet are planning a level 6 on 5k.... High hopes man :P hope you have deep pockets...

    4. iwalkwithedead


      lolz ... lolz Man that made my morning. I don't have deep pockets, by the time I get the money for lvl6. A new lvl7 will be out or something better. xD

  15. so many hard decisions. 3-10s lvl4 3cube box. 3-10s xl 3.5cube box. 1-18 lvl6 6cube box. same amp dc audio 5k. trying for 16v xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      One 18 looks way more badass than 2-12's/2-10's or smaller subs.  Its a wow factor especially if its inverted withan ass like a level 6.  My ZVX made people go holy crap and a level 6 shits all over it.

    3. iwalkwithedead


      lolz it is very massive but I just a really hard decision on whether I want to spend the extra money in having my box built to go with my layout. I'm getting a Jetta no matter what and if I have to I will take out the small back seat and have it customized to be a 3.5seater back there but I don't want to lose my entire back seat because I have nieces and nephews that I would like to take places once in a while and other people to haul. Plus I never know when I'll pick up 2 very fr...

    4. iwalkwithedead


      Plus I never know when I'll pick up 2 very friendly hitch hiker ladies and it somehow turn into a three way in the back seat because I told them I worked as a pizza delivery guy and still had on my outfit. ....   :/ LOLZ porn is really funny.

  16. Saving up for my Jetta. Blarg!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iwalkwithedead


      I am getting used, MK4. 2000-2003, either 1.8T or VR6. must be stick. I don't care about color. If I could afford a new car I would get the Jetta Hybrid. xD I'm weird like that.

    3. OrionStang


      What's a blarg? LOL

    4. iwalkwithedead


      Just some word I made up that can be used as good and as bad. I don't know why I started to do it but it's funny and once you get use to it you just accept it lolz.  How I say it in my head is like when Lucy would remove the football right when Charlie Brown about kicks it and falls down. Blarg! lm


  17. I thought about buying an older car... mulitple times but I want something newer. I said that in 2001, now it's 2012, almost 2013 and I want a MK4 Jetta. lolz Life is funny, enjoy it sucka. xD

  18. It has been boring...

    1. BassHead1990
    2. iwalkwithedead


      Everything, saving up just for a car while also slowly building my pc on the side. It gets boring, waiting on money to come in to buy the things you don't really need but man, you really want it. lolz

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