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Status Updates posted by Nates_Veloster

  1. DC 2k & 175 together. Pics up on build :) :) :)

  2. Batteries ordered. Diamond components and Cresendo midbass ordered. Guess I am done till these VM1 come back!! :)

  3. Package just arrived!!!! DC 2k pics coming soon.

    1. purplesyrup
    2. Kyblack76


      Sweet....... Smexy smexy

    3. Kyblack76


      Sweet....... Smexy smexy

  4. Finishing ordering stuff today. Batteries, components (if I can choose!) and finish this build off.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nates_Veloster


      I am begging for that VM1!!!!

    3. Nates_Veloster


      Ya i seen those rainbows. I can't afford them :(

    4. Keith77


      Whats your budget?

  5. Giving up on this component/mid-bass search. Donated to the site. Going to bed. This rebuild is driving me insane.

  6. Clearing my old status. Have a good one fellas.

    1. meade916


      no, don't do that. Send me a link to where you were banned for no reason. I would like to determine the reason.

    2. Nates_Veloster


      Not banned my friend, just booted from the chat. It really isn't a big deal, just was retarded that he was being that way for no reason. I didnt mean to get you involved or cause any issue. just some mod who wasn't being too cool in the chat and booted me for nothing. it's all good.

  7. DD-1 ordered, still waiting for that VM-1 to be back. Learned there are mods here that shouldn't be. Kicked out for being new. I didn't know there were kids with mod powers.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. purplesyrup


      back and forth about options, was not discussed in the chat

    3. purplesyrup


      sticking up is because i've been kicked from the chat by mods on entry, without even having time to type "whats going on guys"

    4. Nates_Veloster


      Well this blew up into something I didnt expect. Thanks purple for having my back. Steve I'll stay out of the chat. I really didnt do anything to get booted out. I'll lock this.

  8. Ordering my DD1 tonight. So ready to get my VM1 as soon as they are back in stock.

  9. I am checking out some cadence components for my front and cadence mid bass for rear. wondering if anyones messed with them

    1. Neckbeard


      twisted child runs them

    2. Neckbeard


      I also am going to run 4 6.5"s and 4 3" tweets

  10. My first box came in... dc 175.4 pics coming soon!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Keith77


      Did it show up ok no damage?

    3. Nates_Veloster


      Keith. it looks great.. will be a few weeks before it's hooked up but everything was great. photos uploading

    4. Kyblack76


      You can trust keith... hes a great dude..

  11. Ordered my terminals, rca, and speaker wire from audiowire. Now time to pick these components and midbass or order some batteries and tools

    1. Nates_Veloster


      and plastidip is ordered!! DC 175 is coming in today also.

    2. Bump4life


      buy my midbass!!

  12. The DC 2k from CJ is SOLD. some good looking cat bought it ;) and anyone wanna sell their VM-1... ;)

    1. WastedTalent


      $400 for the vm1. Lmfao jk. Just wait a week or so and they should be in stock.

    2. Nates_Veloster


      lol....ya...i'll wait ;)

  13. Having fun figuring out what this rebuild will cost and ordering stuff. Like christmas in March :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      cool..... Pm me on your ALT choice bro..

      I wont get into here.. PM me...

    3. Bigsix


      uh oh..^^^ someone no likely singer alts.

    4. Bigsix


      you mean singer isnt a god after all? lol i was always under the impression I could hook one of his turds to an amp and it would bang...

  14. After hours of searching, I'll ask for help. Looking for amp rack ideas for trunk builds. Starting to think there are not many options.

    1. WastedTalent


      Not if you have 0 space like you say you have.

    2. Bigsix


      mount amps to under side of trunk lid?

    3. DubNDodge


      I'm just mounting mine to the box with rubber washers.

  15. Work done, money in hand, time to start this rebuild :)

  16. DC 2K and DC 175.4 both ordered!! More stuff next week!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Keith77


      Enjoy Nates!!!

    3. Carbon


      Good stuff man! Post pics

    4. WastedTalent


      x2 on that nate for Kyle lol. Wantin things when he's doin it big with all this new stuff.

  17. 3 more days and counting. I think I picked up some extra cash today to get my mids/highs :)

  18. Another long day finished off with some cardio at the gym.

  19. Thread was a joke. Sorry. Got caught up being enlightened on how I was a fag for being a southerner. Didnt have a chance to put my 'just a joke'.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meade916


      dude its all good LOL - i'm just over it that's all.

    3. Nates_Veloster


      No I didnt get in trouble but I wasn't trying to be a dick. Just was kidding around and lost track being called a fag by ArmyKyle in the chat ;) Sorry Steve. I'll go back to my noob corner :) LOL j/k - see I didnt forget that time.

    4. KillaCam


      Well most of the southerners I know are "fags" LOL. Not literary of course.

  20. Dodgeball, chest, back and abs. I'm tired.

    1. WastedTalent


      So in other words... wife played hackey sack with the testes, then well... won't get into details for the rest. Gotcha! Lmfao.

    2. Nates_Veloster


      ha! I wish. That would be a much better story.

  21. 2:30 and I am still up with dreams of a rebuild dancing in my head :)

  22. So I learned plasti-dip doesn't lay down well in the cold. Tested my wheels, front grill, and back Veloster. Not sure how I feel about black wheels.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Srh_rider12


      had the same problem today -_- had to put the can under a heating blanket lol

    3. n8ball2013


      neither does paint. grumble grumble

    4. Nates_Veloster


      Ky. I'll get some pics up tonight. It laid down really bad. I'll see what it looks like in the morning but I may have to peal and respray when it warms up more.

  23. Back from Gatordrag in Rayne, la. Interesting. Heard 4 Sundown 12's for first time on 1500 RF, very impressive

  24. One more week and the rebuild begins for real. :)

    1. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      waiting for stuff?

    2. Nates_Veloster


      Stuff and more money. I am a student pastor and I am doing a big retreat next weekend which means I should have a nice pay that is all 'extra'. Violet will get this upgrade I've been planning.

  25. Taxes done, now budget making time for upgrades :)

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