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About Agreene

  • Birthday 01/31/1995

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    Cayman Islands

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  1. what amp will you use, and what are your max dimensions, also what kind of car do you have
  2. exactly, and if your special you may be able to get dealer prices
  3. most likely rebadged, going to be very similar to the 2.7 maxwell caps. probably more money too. not hating! maybe this will get more people to look into caps
  4. 15% off a decent dealer pricing or 15% off mrsp website pricing ( which wont matter ) lol
  5. great work on box steve, the video probably didn't do justice on the amount of time it took to make it look pretty like that.
  6. god fucking dammit this pisses me off, i got scammed a couple of weeks ago for a couple hundred got my money back from paypal but what a bitch...
  7. with the guidance of some of the members, it is cheap and easy to build a box. if you don't have the tools im sure someone on here could build a box and send it you, probably cheaper then your 350 you stated from whomever
  8. don't doubt the quality of then sundown sa 12s, I personally thing they are the best 2.5 inch coil sized 12 1 18 has more cone area, then 2 12s. so get that right first. cone area = pi x ( r x r ) r= radius pi=3.14 1 18 has about 254.47" of cone 2 12s has about 226.19" of cone if your going for numbers 1 18 is proven to put out better numbers then 2 12s. taking into fact which subwoofers are used you will probably get better numbers with the ns 18 over 2 sa 12s with the right power however the 12s will be more musical, and require less room
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