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Status Replies posted by Carbon

  1. Robot Combat League is looking bad butt.

  2. Robot Combat League is looking bad butt.

  3. Robot Combat League is looking bad butt.

  4. suspended for talking about a horrible install

  5. FarCry is a pretty decent movie

  6. FarCry is a pretty decent movie

  7. well im sick and this sucks means no money for rebuild. ohh well time to browse the forums all day

  8. well im sick and this sucks means no money for rebuild. ohh well time to browse the forums all day

  9. One moment of YOLO is not worth a life of regret.

  10. rebuild time. just added 30 pics. and a supra shows up so check it out

  11. rebuild time. just added 30 pics. and a supra shows up so check it out

  12. drug searched for the 3rd time in 3 weeks

  13. Ok, I'll ask my retarded question here. I am not a total noob but this is a total noob question. What is with the bolt terminals on the actual box? Someone splain that to me.

  14. Looks like I am looking for a new 'SMD' mentor. :-/ Come back soon bro.

  15. anyone know a good set of 3 way components? looking to spend $300 give or take a little

  16. Just tested out "The ultimate demo song" HOLY MOLY!!! Will film a demo later today

  17. Feeling a little out of it today

  18. Anyone know how to get a hold of a american. Bass dealer

  19. spinning again. playing some irish dubstep?

  20. Ha found my video CD of my incentitive flight from a few years back in an F-16. Pulling 8.3g's like a BOSS!!! LoL

  21. Just had to call 911 for my old man, hope it's nothing serious

  22. well i now know ive lost SOTM so... time to get a 1000watt rms amp. once i sell my stuff :(

  23. Can't get this chick out of my mind. Crazy.

  24. Can't get this chick out of my mind. Crazy.

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