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Everything posted by Jman08

  1. Jman08

    Turbo Geo

    haha i have no clue i think that guy acutualy made that turbo.
  2. That was interesting i always wondered how it was made.
  3. Sick excursion man how does the new amp compare to your 2500d?
  4. Haha thats what the guy gets for making a ghost vid.
  5. I feel ya man i did the same thing with my rockford bass knob and cant get the sob back out haha
  6. Jman08

    Turbo Geo

    yea that shits crazy!
  7. Just watch this http://youtube.com/watch?v=THdgqTXWS54
  8. wow that van was totaly demolished
  9. use it for slowing down songs its great
  10. sundown man or the kicker if you want to run it a 2 ohms
  11. when did you send it man I had no clue you were sending it to me??
  12. You got a fucking mean swing i seen you pause for a sec did someone in the woods get worked by the ball LOL
  13. Still up for sale guys 100 shipped anywhere in the us
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