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Okay...so I am just now hearing of these funky pups...I was assuming it was a fake, made up, persona of a sub that could take extreme amounts of power, and produce 200+ dbz at 10hz free air. In other words, a bullshit sub that trolls and spammers use...but I see vids of an actual subwoofer that is excurting...do they actually sell a funky pup?


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Okay...so I am just now hearing of these funky pups...I was assuming it was a fake, made up, persona of a sub that could take extreme amounts of power, and produce 200+ dbz at 10hz free air. In other words, a bullshit sub that trolls and spammers use...but I see vids of an actual subwoofer that is excurting...do they actually sell a funky pup?

They did. Hard to find now. But they're actually a piece of shit sub. Which is why everyone makes the joke

under construction

I hate People with crappy primered cars rolling on hubcaps that are louder then me.

u hate c-fizzy?

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haha ok, i think i found the pic to describe these subs..http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q151/Megalomaniac1989/Funky%2520Pup/IMG_1423-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.caraudio.com/forums/subwoofers/388830-what-f**k-funky-pup.html&usg=__shT6_n-2FJKHF3w1qU4ccrHRDe0=&h=240&w=320&sz=17&hl=en&start=52&zoom=1&tbnid=TqSXdZF0EjZbkM:&tbnh=153&tbnw=224&ei=xVncTZOUMIq1tAal36XTDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfunky%2Bpup%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1222%26bih%3D506%26tbm%3Disch0%2C1804&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=939&vpy=202&dur=32&hovh=192&hovw=256&tx=192&ty=72&sqi=2&page=6&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:52&biw=1222&bih=506.

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Okay...so I am just now hearing of these funky pups...I was assuming it was a fake, made up, persona of a sub that could take extreme amounts of power, and produce 200+ dbz at 10hz free air. In other words, a bullshit sub that trolls and spammers use...but I see vids of an actual subwoofer that is excurting...do they actually sell a funky pup?

yes, the reason why they are so ''famous'' is because the owner went on ca.com and started talking shit about how his new subs were going to be the loudest subs ever made. put 4 of them behind his seat in a piece of shit s10 and started making ridiculous claims


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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Okay...so I am just now hearing of these funky pups...I was assuming it was a fake, made up, persona of a sub that could take extreme amounts of power, and produce 200+ dbz at 10hz free air. In other words, a bullshit sub that trolls and spammers use...but I see vids of an actual subwoofer that is excurting...do they actually sell a funky pup?

yes, the reason why they are so ''famous'' is because the owner went on ca.com and started talking shit about how his new subs were going to be the loudest subs ever made. put 4 of them behind his seat in a piece of shit s10 and started making ridiculous claims

Oh, okay...I mean, I've heard of them plenty of times in the past, but I never knew they were an actual sub that someone seriously made and sold. I thought is was some kind of passive radiator that someone made their own dustcap for and said "hey, here's my funky pup".


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I'm keeping a steady eye on eBay for them, I want to do an actual build with several of them. Don't they come 6 to a pack? :)

Bassless once again. Can't seem to keep a system for more than a few weeks :)

Saving for a '06 Nissan 350z, look for build around June 2012.

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