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Been gone for a little while SMD

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Well, it's been quite a while since I've been on the forum. Back in August I started developing debilitating back pain that would require me to use Oxycodone and Skelaxin to get through the pain. Although the medication made my body feel pain free, it also left me worthless and unable to function. After much persuasion from my wife and boss, I finally found a family doctor and got an MRI done in September. I feared the worst, fractured vertebrae, herniated disc, etc., or so I thought I had the worst case scenario figured out. About 3 hours after getting my MRI done, the family doctor called me up and asked that my wife and I get in there as soon as possible. When we got there the doctor told us that they have spotted what appeared to be a Lymphoma mass on my L2-L4 vertebrae. My heart sank, and needless to say I felt like I was just punched in the nuts. At 33 I couldn't believe that I was hearing this.

We scheduled the biopsy for the following Tuesday to confirm the MRI's detection. The preliminary result came back to my Oncologist as appearing to be of the Non-Hodgkins variety, but they were waiting confirmation from the Mayo clinic. A couple days later we went back to the Oncologist to get the confirmation results. It turned out that I have what is called B Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma/Leukemia, which is an extremely rare and aggressive cancer. I felt like I got blasted in the face with a hammer. She then told my wife and I that treatment was going to be aggressive, 1 week inpatient chemo and 3 weeks at home per cycle for 8 cycles. My oncologist believes that the mass started growing in July and fortunately we caught it before it entered the bone marrow and spinal fluid. At that moment in time, I made the commitment to myself that no matter what it took, I would defy the odds of this rigorous chemo schedule and become an inspiration for others who are going through this. She then told me I would have to have a port put in my chest, and an Ommaya Resevoir put in my head before the treatments started.

I am now about to go into the hospital for my 3rd cycle of treatment, and in all honesty I've only had about 8 rough days so far. I'm maintaining my weight up to this point and have been told I've been inspiring many with my upbeat and positive attitude about it. My mother has quit smoking (she smoked for over 35 years), my family has become closer, my wife and I have been getting along great, and I have taken the time to enjoy life. In a sick, twisted, and kinda fucked up way, cancer may have been one of the best things that could've happened to me. I can honestly say that at no point in time have I thought it would defeat me, as I know I will beat it. I feel blessed that we caught it early on, thankfully due to my wife and boss. Life isn't always pleasant, and is sometimes down right brutal, but it's about rising above the challenges thrown your way and always remembering that even when it seems tough, you probably still have it easier than someone else.

Lastly, if something has been bothering you and you have been putting it off, go get it checked. It could save your life.



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man i am so sorry to read this. i don't think i could have nearly the positive attitude you have with it. i wish you all the best and hope that you will defeat it. with the attitude that you have i don't see it being a problem. good luck bro, and keep us updated.

you win some, you lose some

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Well sorry to hear about the unfortunate turn of events but good to see you holding your head up bro... Just keep praying and living your life and i truly believe things will be alright for you man... Will keep ya in my thoughts

Team MaxRetribution

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Your an Inspiration to all, your in my prayers.

My GF had appendicitis and didnt realize it til 2 days afterwards with the extreme pain, She went in at 4 am she went in to surgery at 12.

You know how you avoid that? Man the fuck up and bang her best friend sister mom cousin worst enemy and never look back.


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Thanks fellas.

When something like this happens to you, you really only have 2 choices: fight it or pack it up. I'm waayyyy too young to sit here and let this bullshit get the best of me, so I'm gonna fight it with every ounce of energy that I have.

Unfortunately due to this, I'm out on short term disability, but my company is great and are by my side 100% through this. It's funny how much you miss waking up on Monday mornings to go to work or just driving in your car by yourself with the system pounding. I've started to learn my limits and have been making more trips by myself just to hear my system, lol.

I just hope I can inspire others who have been dealt a shitty hand, cancer or not.



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+1 more inspiratiopn to live for me...I know more or less hoe this ˝shit˝ goes on your own life

ive had epilepsy for over 17 years, had the first attack while i was 5 years old...

2010 Chevrolet Cruze

Radio --- pioneer mvh-200vbt

Front/back --- alpine type s 6.5"

Sub Control --- Pac LC1

Sub Amp --- GZPA 1.4K

Sub --- GZNW 15XSPL D1

Battery - GZBP 12.2500X

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Glad to hear that you're fighting this, and even happier that this situation has brought your entire family closer, and good for your mother who also fought her demon in smoking.

I have a feeling that this holiday season will have a little extra meaning for ya

2011 Mitsubishi Outlander
Sony 712

Soundqubed HDS208

Alpine MRV-M500

Transmission line enclosure

Soundqubed wiring

Knu rca

XS Power battery

CNF terminals

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im sorry to hear about that, but you seem like a tough s.o.b, and this isnt going to stop you. my family and i will keep you in our thoughts and i wish you the best. congrats to your mom as well. im a smoker, and that is a huge thing to do. keep on keepin on, man.


2001 chevy cavalier

Rebuild in progress

what happens when your CD player skips and you accidentally drop a 22 hz sine bomb at an unholy volume on 7-8 year old subs? Mechanical failure floppy sub knockage on at least 2.

well...as i see the level 6 is compared to a lamborghini.....but a corvette?

i was thinking more like a chevy volt. its cute and new and "hip", but i would just rather stick my dick in a blender.........

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