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Heat Sensitive Color Changing Computer Case.

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I normally don't lurk this part of the forum. I'm usually in the show off your sound system part of the forum. Lot of awesome builds and talent. I wasn't sure where on the site to put this. I'm just kind of excited to share it. I'm sure it was posted here, but there was a whole car painted with color changing paint. I've been teaching myself how to paint and got really excited about it and wanted to try it out. After messing with a few junk pieces.. I moved up to something a little bigger. This is what I came up with on Saturday.

I went to Frys on Friday and picked up this case for about 35$ with tax.






Tore it down, and took a perfectly good case and scuffed it up with some 600 grit paper. No turning back now. :D


Front shot.


Mixed up my basecoat. I used a 2 Oz of Nissan Metallic Silver, 2 Oz of Honda Accord Metallic Blue and 4oz of reducer. SpiesHecker for those that might want to know.

Here it is in the cup.


oh.. You want to see a video of the color being mixed?


I sealed the case with a black sealer, and then based on the case with the mixture above. The only way to describe the color at this point is blue steel. (zoolander would be proud). The lighting doesn't really show the color at this point.


I tried to do a technic called Marbling. I didn't get any pictures of it. I used a white pearl mixture. It didn't come out as bright as I wanted. But there is definitely some white pearl on the case over the base coat at this point. Next I needed to intercoat the marbling. I had some Black to clear color changing pigment. It turns clear at 84 degrees. I mixed a bunch of it with 4oz of just straight binder and HOK Blue Pearl to make it fancy. It ended up turning the case a gun metal color. Wish I got a shot of the that mixing. was very pretty looking.


After that.. I cleared the case with 6 layers of Chroma Clear. I got a decent amount of orange peal, but my shop temp was a little cool for the activator I was using. Nothing some wet sanding cant fix. I just finished the clear in these shots.. So there is a bit of clear coat mist in the air.






At that point I left it alone. And came back the next day.. Took it outside and took some outside shots in the sun.. Very gunmetal looking and that blue pearl looks amazing.


Another shot.


Oh, so does it change color or not? Lets find out.. I took the case back inside.. and took a shot of the front bezel. No color change.


Added some heat and Oh look! It does..


But WAIT! There is more! How about a video?


You can see the marbling after the color change happens, but its fairly faint. As well. You can tell I'm really excited about the results in the video.

Then murphy's law struck. When putting the case back into my truck, the shocks holding up my lift gate glass suddenly let go and dropped on my head and my case chipping the paint.. =\


There is a fair amount of orange peal in the case, but nothing that can't be wet sanded out. I'll do something about the damaged paint chip.

Anyway the idea here is 1. Can it be done. Yep, I did it. 2. A color changing computer case would be a great indication if your machine is running hot or maybe over heating.

Let me know your thoughts. I actually don't have any use for this case. I got it on a whim so I'm definitely willing to sell it. Make an offer and its yours.

Anyway, let me know if you thinks its cool, lame, stupid, awesome, or neat but not for me? I've posted this on a few other forums I'm on and got a pretty good response.

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Thanks for the support guys. I'd actually looking to sell this case to move into the next project. A buddy at work suggest I do a black to chrome play station 4 which sounds like fun. I just need to same my pennies to do it. Another buddy at work is going to give me a motor cycle half helmet to do as well. Not sure what I'd do with it. I've only been painting for a few months but its a lot of fun and waaaaay different then my IT day job.

aaaaand you can see how dated my system is.. still rockin those Boston G5s with some passives and my custom amp rack I built years back. I also have nothing but Second Skin in my blazer. DampPro, and OverKill Pro.. over 175sq feet installed. Best sound deadener on the market. Period.

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Thanks for the complements guys!

Sorry about it being in the wrong forum. =) Like I said, I was just really stoked with how it came out. You can hear how happy I was in the video. I can't wait to work on my next project... All this paint work is just leading up to when I bag my blazer to lay frame on 20s and C-Pillar wall it off. with 4 15s. But will not be for a few months.

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That's the video that inspired me to do this case!!!

There is definitely a wow factor.

I'd like to sell this case and move onto another project. So if you are interested in the case, I'm only looking for 125$ plus shipping. A buddy I work with has a motor cycle helmet that he'd like me to paint and I'd like to fund that project with what ever I make back from this project.

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