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Installing your own system or paying someone to do it...

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Anyone can pay someone to get them loud. I designed and build my whole system by myself and I'm.fucking proud of it, picked out the gear, designed and built the wall all by myself, ran all the wires, fiberglassed the doors and it did 158.9db. Who deserves more respect the guy that dropped a fat stack of cash at a shop or the guy who spent months building, rebuilding and tweaking every last part.of their system to get the most out of it? Gtfo here with that shit.


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Guy in the video is not a great public speaker. 8 minutes to make his point. Anyway, it human nature to talk shit period. I not saying everyone does all the time but it happens.

As far as my personal veiw, i would rather do the work myself to know it get done right and its part of the fun and love for the hobby. I have paid to have installs done to my vehicles but its been 20 yrs and i do all the work myself these days and have since then. I just dont trust someone else working on my vehicles period, no matter what the work being done is. Too many factors in ending up w/ sub par work being done.

I have a lot pride in my work vs paying someone to have it done. It one of the first things i tell people, all work has been design & built by me. With help & ideas of other rides & opinions.

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Not that views are respect, but, its a bit funny,

the 2 most viewd builds, on this forum, are both bought, and,........ neither of them done. lol.

And, i do give props to a self learner, self doer, and self tryer.

But, its not like im gonna dump on Randen, for having Mike do his set up. Dude is HIGHLY respecatble, IMHO, and a great dude, and friend.

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I got 2 views on this as I often find myself on both sides of the argument.

For me personally, I take pride in what I build. It may take me a dozen times of rebuilding it and cost 20x of what if would cost to have it built, but it's my hands in it. I don't want any part of what I take pride in being someone elses work.

HOWEVER. I do understand when something becomes over your head skill wise. There is plenty of things I pay pros to do for me. I know when I do not have the skills OR do not want to develop the skills to do a said project.

As a guy who makes a few bucks in this industry doing work for others, I have no issues with someone who wants the baby without the labor pains. Almost all of the people I have built systems for have been very humble and cool with letting others know who did the work. They give credit when it is do. I have yet to see any of my customers act like a douchebag about how they did this and that.

I don't think any one of us have an issue with someone having a bought system. We do all however have an issue when someone throws money around so they can be internet famous and act like they are the gift of audios.

Designing, building, and shipping boxes. Yahoo IM - kingsuv00If the listening level is too loud, please inform the driver, so he can promptly pull over, and let you out.

not many cars can get me to pluggin my ears but this one.......damn. I mean the first minute is ok but that thing just really starts digging deeper and deeper in your earhole till you cant stand it no more. Seems like it does it with relative ease....16 12's on 8 amps.........gotta love it. :)

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The only time it matters whether you installed yourself or had someone do it, is when you show off. If you paid then the only bragging rights you have are for having money. If you did it yourself then you should be proud and could brag about everything you did. But really who gives a shit. I only care about my system and it will always be the best since it's mine.

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wow. didn't mean to start something like this. I only recently started watching some of his demo vids and posted this before I got into some of his other ones. after that I kinda realized kinda what some of you said especially after the selling his tahoe vid and a couple others. he just seems to only want the attention and is kinda a douche. sorry for this guys.

once you get a speaker moving so hard that its possible to make tinsels slap, you are already kissing "SQ" goodbye. :D

Don't get me wrong, as I smoke Marlboro Reds, but if I saw one more kid with that smug-ass look (Look at me I'm smoking indoors) on their face, I was going to shove that thing so far up someone's ass that they'd look like a hillbilly trying to understand quantitative prediction theorem.

You know why people are ass holes online but not in person? Because getting punched in the mouth hurts.

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Why even make a thread about this? Go join him on his forum then. I don't think you understand the attitude he has had over the past years. My opinion of you just went downhill, hope this doesn't turn into forum suicide for you, lmao.

INB4 butthurt shitstorm

not butthurt and no i didn't understand the attitude he has had but after watching some more of his videos i am seeing what some of you are saying.

once you get a speaker moving so hard that its possible to make tinsels slap, you are already kissing "SQ" goodbye. :D

Don't get me wrong, as I smoke Marlboro Reds, but if I saw one more kid with that smug-ass look (Look at me I'm smoking indoors) on their face, I was going to shove that thing so far up someone's ass that they'd look like a hillbilly trying to understand quantitative prediction theorem.

You know why people are ass holes online but not in person? Because getting punched in the mouth hurts.

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Just got to consider the source.

Plus there is this overwhelming trend with this younger generation to strive for internet fame.

Designing, building, and shipping boxes. Yahoo IM - kingsuv00If the listening level is too loud, please inform the driver, so he can promptly pull over, and let you out.

not many cars can get me to pluggin my ears but this one.......damn. I mean the first minute is ok but that thing just really starts digging deeper and deeper in your earhole till you cant stand it no more. Seems like it does it with relative ease....16 12's on 8 amps.........gotta love it. :)

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