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What games are you looking forward to this holiday season?

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I am just curious because all the talk is MW2 and there has to be more than just that.. or L4D2 or AC2.

I guess this is February, but close to my birthday so still the holidays in my eyes. This Bioshock 2 looks great, and now multiplayer (which sorta reminds me of shadowrun, which is good)

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i cant wait to play bioshock 2. the first one kicked so much ass. extremely original in every way


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i LOVED the first bioshock. i kinda wanna play it again. i'm definitely getting the second one. there's some other games i'd like to get, but they've been out a while. i still wanna get ahold of prototype. the darkness is a decently fun game i'd like to get. there's a couple others that i cant remember now. and definitely final fantasy 13. i cannot wait for that one. i've been playing since ff 7, which put me in...7th or 8th grade at the time i think.

EDIT: ima cross my fingers that the multiplayer on bioshock is at least halfway decent. i hope it's worth playing at least. if not the campaign will still be badass

Edited by ExpoSport



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You aren't missing much with Prototype, that game is a piece of repetitive shit. It's my own damn fault for going after the achievements with the tank.. but it quickly taught me how little there was in the game that isn't boring, stupid and repetitive.

Anyhow, FF, good call. Forgot about that (not sure how I could). I am a big fan of tactics, which I hope they bring to XBLA someday or something.

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i've heard both opinions of prototype. some love it, some dont. i've heard a few more good than bad i think. it'll go on the christmas list lol. i played it briefly and thought it was fun, but not quite long enough for it to get repetitive. FF is released in japan too i think, or close to it...so not toooo much longer till we get it over here :D

god of war 3 looks pretty badass. screen shots of the new alien vs predator look pretty good too. but who knows what will happen when it comes to gameplay. i still wanna get killzone 2 and star wars: force unleashed. star wars was alright...but i can see getting repetitive too



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Well not during the Holiday season but I have been waiting for Goddamn Final Fantasy 13 for 3 years now......

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I'm excited off my ass for MAG. Comes out in Jan, but who cares?

Also, I'm hearing good things about Assassin's Creed 2, so I'll be getting that.

Yeah, MAG, I forgot about that one. Isn't that where you play like this combat specialist and get to use krav maga and shit on everone?

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