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Wow, Work has me going crazy! Anyone else?

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OK, as some of you know, I'm a EMT-I in GA and just recently got into this field (Career) as I finished schooling for it back in May. My place of employment basically put all new hires on a 90 day probation just to see if you have what it takes to be "Stable" enough for this type of work. Well, I got hired RIGHT OUT OF SCHOOL (Thank god, I was lucky there) and ever since around the November time frame, I cant seem to catch a break. My shift supervisor (Who is HOT, and a nice girl) just loads me up (gigidy) with hours ever since I told her to "Hook a noobie up" My Xmas shift was from DEC19th - DEC 26. 8 days straight of work (192 hours) at different stations. I finally came home on the 26th, and I work now from the 28th till JAN1st. My paycheck should be killer, but i am SOOOOOOOOO exhausted! This line of work for the most part is fun, and exciting, but the other 20% is dangerous, and dealing with the freaking STUPID ASS DUMB people is an acquired skill all in itself.

Dont take this post as me complaining.... I am not, IM VERY FORTUNATE that I have a job. I worked so damn hard to get past school for this, and now that im in it, I think I made the right choice. I went nearly 4 years of no job, or thru bullshit jobs, and now im finally getting back on track. I have a VERY tall stack of bills to catch up on, but at least I can feel a little more eased with at least being able to pay the minimums at least. I haven't been able to get on here to much, and this is why as you can tell. You know, the more I think about it, not very many people can say they go to work, to catch sleep :D , but I do when I can. Hell, the accommodations at our stations are no different then your house, and actually, all our stations are houses that my company bought, and now there ambulance stations. The community loves it. Would you? If you had a house full of children, and the house next to you is an ambulance station, I know I would feel safer/more eased!

Dont really know why I wanted to post this, tired I guess, and now im going back to sleep before we get another call, but anyways...........I wish you all a SAFE new years, and remember, only call 911 IN AN EMERGENCY, IM TIRED OF WAKING UP @ 3am FOR BULLSHIT :D

I love my staffie :good:

So anti FACEBOOK it isn't even funny

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im going to school to become a paramedic/firefighter, i start the emt program in the fall then move onto the paramedic program, and hopefully i can find a job and get paid to go through the fire academy

to become a "MEDIC" you REALLY want/need some street experience first.....trust me on this. DO not jump right into the medic program right out of emt schooling, you will be going crazy, and alot of it wont make any sense. Let me tell you this. In school, doing a 12lead or for this matter, even a 4 lead ekg strip made no sense. Now that im in the streets everyday, I setup 12leads daily, and can read and understand what all the algorithms mean on paper too. That isn't even in my "Scope of practice" but I learned it, and doing shit like this all the time will make your medic classes that much easier. You can only learn so much in a classroom environment, and most of what you learn in the classroom, is completely different once on the streets. I start PARAMEDIC schooling in April, but Im still wondering if I should wait again 1 more year.

I love my staffie :good:

So anti FACEBOOK it isn't even funny

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fuckin a man, im glad your doing good !! and i bet that paycheck will be killer 2 :give_rose: so you will soon be able to start killin people with bass, and bringin them back to life right?

The DC Integra 3 18s to 6 15 build log

Team_DC-Derrick's Youtube

Team DC Audio

where theres a will theres a wall.......

I just realized Steve has reach Voldemort status, over on JP's site he is the one who will not be named....."We dont speak his name over here, fearing it will destroy us" LOL not even in hush tones

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fuckin a man, im glad your doing good !! and i bet that paycheck will be killer 2 :give_rose: so you will soon be able to start killin people with bass, and bringin them back to life right?

damn right. I might not be able to pay for all 4 18"s on this upcoming check, as I really want to start making a dent into my debt, but I may by 1 or 2 drivers......

I love my staffie :good:

So anti FACEBOOK it isn't even funny

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Nice, im glad your alright though !! watch out for people trying to bite you 2 :)

The DC Integra 3 18s to 6 15 build log

Team_DC-Derrick's Youtube

Team DC Audio

where theres a will theres a wall.......

I just realized Steve has reach Voldemort status, over on JP's site he is the one who will not be named....."We dont speak his name over here, fearing it will destroy us" LOL not even in hush tones

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I was an EMT for about 4 years and I got burned out FAST. Glad you like your career choice. I know lots of EMTs and Medics that love their jobs, but it just wasn't for me.

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Nice man that's an awesome skill to have, I was in school to become an 18D - Army Special Forces Medic, but didn't make it all the way through :( so respect for the dedication for such an essential skill set :) But remember that though you may be exhausted, there are people that really appreciate what you do (even if you never meet them! lol), so it's definitely worth it

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