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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/12 in Posts

  1. Does your local dealer not carry XS Power, and you want it available in your home town? Then help us help you. Let your local dealer know you want XS Power available to you and you want to buy it from them. Then give them our contact information (888.497.7693 www.4xspower.com ) and make sure they have your name and contact info. If they set up as a dealer and make a qualifying order you can win a XS Power Gift pack with a value of over $100 in product and certificates.
    1 point
  2. sike...theres nothing here....or is there TROLLOLOLOLOLOL Neo next to the Level Sex M2 hey look another woofer I def wanna thank Rusty and Rob for building one HELLUVA woofer. you guys are fuckin awesome!!! Fedex decided to play volleyball w one of them and cracked the basket but Rob is helping me get that taken care of...best customer service ive ever received. DC FOR THE MUTHAFUCKIN WIN!!! p.s even with the cracked basket i threw them in and DAMN...they def slam
    1 point
  3. never used a prefab box, never will also that e12dtv box isnt close to 4 cubes, its 3.9 gross before any port or woofer displacment, in all reality that box is 1.25 cubes per chamber.
    1 point
  4. I just want some big sexy motors to throw on my 10's lol. Trying to get like thorshammer and be able to ear-rape people with some itty bitty woofers haha. I am patiently waiting though.
    1 point
  5. dayummmmmmmm those are sexy as hell. Just curious here, what's the difference between the lvl sex line and the neos that you have there? i apologize for being a n00b lol
    1 point
  6. Hi. Been a member for a short while but a bass head since I was 8. My friends call me Rob Bass. I have owned a few small businesses but failed, now my brother and I own a neighborhood convenience store. Been open for 2 years now and it's not getting any easier but it's still better than working for someone else. Been doing ok so I started selling car audio (One of my dreams) and have been doing good at that too. Just wish I had the connects and the money to get some of the bigger name car audio in my store. The people on this this site have been very helpful and insightful so far with answering my noob questions. This is the first forum that I have joined and feel pretty welcomed by you all. Sorry in advance if I ask some dumb ass questions but Bass and all things Bass is what I love and I'm a sponge for knowledge and good at taking criticism. I found this site by surfing Youtube and became fascinated by Steve's installs (there better than porn ) and came over to the site and started looking at other peoples install's. Alot of you people are geniuses and have a manipulating hand with mdf and fiberglass and I thank you for it. I have learned more on this site in the past couple months than I have in the past couple years of my life. Best believe I appreciate any feedback to any of my questions. Oh, And there's going to be ALOT of questions, LOL.
    1 point
  7. Combination of the rockford IM-1 and OSC2?? Sounds cool to me. I'd definitely buy one
    1 point
  8. dude you guys are like willy wonka, what will he come up with next
    1 point
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