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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/12 in Posts

  1. i used to bump the SHITTTT out of that song back in the day. i was a huge fan long before i met him so seeing him wear my shit in his video's and now on stage just brings a tear to my eye :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkreKXLQ9zo
    2 points
  2. Since its going to be the smd van, does that mean the whole thing is a tax writeoff?
    2 points
  3. HAHAHA wow i was watchin it like hmmm this could get interesting then... a whole box of tampons! lol THE most random thing possible to destroy.
    2 points
  4. I have seen the bigger version's on TV, but this little thing is a monster as well. I sat and watched the entire video, i bet you do to LOL...This thing really does eat ALL.
    1 point
  5. heres a bigger one shredding a car ! like a good neigbor state farm is there
    1 point
  6. Ed Lester commented on that video -- "Why does a warehouse have so many feminine hygiene products?"
    1 point
  7. Props to twisted for inspiring this video I was watching his and decided its been a while since ive done a T-Shirt Trick.
    1 point
  8. Wow.... Epic history historic hat trick!!! And Rich is always a inspiration !!... Dig twisted... Neat man.. Neat and fun to bring back!!!
    1 point
  9. Ok people LISTEN UP... Steve started this thread to hash out some indifferences he had with JP... He has said his peace... This was NOT MEANT as a bash JP thread.... Personally i didnt agree with everything JP did but as a person JP is a good dude.... Anywho there are some clowns in here talking out the ass about TOTALLY off topic stuff... Please STFU or we can make accomodations Sincerely, The Front Desk of SMD Hotel
    1 point
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