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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/12 in Posts

  1. In the morning, when i start my car, it see's 14.0 volts at the MOST. That lasts about 10 minutes before it drops down to a healthy 13.1-13.3v and stays there the rest of the day. Not because it is broken, its just how Toyota does it. I think it conserves battery life or something like that. Anyway, when they were designing my car and then someone decided 13.1v was enough power, they must not have known i was going to buy one LOL. I need at LEAST 14.5v. I think this one will be set @ 15 and prob drop to 14.8ish when hot. thanks Mechman, i can't wait!
    2 points
  2. Hunter, did you hit up the shop yet? I could go on Monday. Unfortunately that opportunity is lost now. It was going to be around 500 a year and it spiked to 3k a year. But I can still do work at my house. I just reenforced a box for david on this forum Before: After
    1 point
  3. Damn, knew you where going to get an alt even tho you said you didnt think you would need one Just like how you said 1 2500bdcp would be fine I called that one right too. Just couldnt imaging anyone let alone you not going all out, car is sure turning out beautiful tho!! keep up that good work!
    1 point
  4. another milestone for our brand Getting recognized by a site as big as Sonic is never a bad thing
    1 point
  5. Accurate power meter for 30.00 Well then.. There ya go. Go buy that and stick it on your dash Dont get your panties in a wad when i tell you this when released will be 999.99 So.. Now that you know its a 1000.00 tool, go ahead and excuse yourself from the thread. Yes 1000.00 Not 30.00 Kthxbye
    1 point
  6. I have a small tear on the surround, a screw was stripped and as I was trying to unscrew it the screw driver slipped and poked a small tear in it. Is there any type of glue that can repair it? its a sa 8 d4
    1 point
  7. Pretty excited about this... I knew you were working on some a year ago or so don't let this slip I want a few pairs!
    1 point
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