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Status Updates posted by Captainbasshead22

  1. Hey Guys my name is CaptainBassHead22, Thats my youtube channel as well im new on here so if you could check out my car on there and let me know what you think id greatly appreciate it! Thanks guys! Suggestions welcome!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Captainbasshead22


      I hear that. My friend has holes in his speakers...literally. Looks like an old baseball glove. Im replacing those and his headunit for him. hook him up proper. Too bad he refuses to amp it ahhhhh

    3. Krakin


      Only advantage I see with amplifying doors is when you can't keep up with substage. Or for quality, but that also pertains to the D.A.C. on the deck.

    4. Captainbasshead22


      Yeah I hear that. This car is to be my sound quality car that still slams. The next suv I get will be designated to extreme SPL. Like hopefully high 150's.

  2. hey guys. any members near the chino hills california area? looking to get a car audio club going and would like to have other people there that know half of what goes on with car audio hahahahahh

    1. audiolamb6


      shit thats where i grew up

    2. Captainbasshead22


      Where do you live now?

  3. hey Meade im new to the channel but have been following you on toutube for years now. I was just wondering...how do i go about getting a demo from you? I am very excited to be able to finally see the tahoe and the civic! Id really apprciate it!

    1. Mojo Man Miller

      Mojo Man Miller

      i am wondering the exact same thing myself...

      i might be making a trip to california from tennessee in september and would love to meet the legend that is Steve Meade!!

  4. how do i get a demo with steve meade i tried contacting him on here facebook and email...hmmmm must be busy

    1. WastedTalent


      He is. Give it time. If no reply, perhaps email again in few days (don't count weekends as he takes them off from work and all of us to relax)

    2. Captainbasshead22


      oh okay thanks man. i try to be considerate and not blow him up you know or just how up at headquarters unannounced i just couldnt do that

  5. I love pissing off people who are always mad

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Captainbasshead22


      3 pm afternoon bass knob all the way down when I pull up. doesn't sound too unreasonable to me

    3. WastedTalent


      i have my bass knob all the way down too sir. But when that volume is up? Doesn't matter. Lol. I mean I sit at stoplights at 18/35 with knob all the way down and get looks... but that's quiet. I'm just saying sir. Just saying.

    4. Captainbasshead22


      ya I hear you. my friend has 2 p3 10s and my knob all the way down sounds just like those

  6. I may be just a noob but i have to ask to know right? My questions is, i have 2 cvr 15's in a ported box and faced them forward...sounds like ass. didnt have a way to seal except crazy amount of blankets and pillows no difference. So how will i know if i seal the trunk off that it will sound good? or will still hit the lows good? i want to get the loudest i can

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OrionStang


      To seal it off right, you gotta remove the rear interior panels and deck, and cover all the little tiny holes manufacturers find necessary to include in the vehicles design.

    3. Captainbasshead22


      Thank you guys so much! this was a great help! I appreciate the feed back. I will take the whole trunk apart and seal it off right. Any tips on what to use to seal it off effectively?

    4. Captainbasshead22


      I dont know if this helps but i will be switching to to 2 fi ssd 15's replacing the kickers i dont know if this will help with the lows? might be using the same box. The Fi's say 3 to 4 cubic feet per chamber so im thinking this is around the same size of te ported box i have for the kickers in now

  7. just did the big 3 and wow it made a big difference! had my friends who are used to the system say it hurts their ears now! happy as hell! now to zero gauge the amp!

    1. Kyblack76


      hmmm.. well, good on ya

  8. looking for members in the chino hills california area anyone?

  9. man i feel stuck. want to do my own installs but its been so slow so contemplating working at a shop but then ill have to that and school. man so lost

  10. new build coming soon! 2 fi sp4 15's cabin sealed 35 htz 6000 watts. t5 components and tweets on 1000, 3 sixty.3 and pioneer double din. 4 batts mechman 270 alt. excited!

  11. Suggestions, what can I do to make my videos more interesting? make people want to watch and follow me? Id really like to gain popularity while building up my car and new car build. All suggestions welcome. Thank you!!

    1. Captainbasshead22


      captainbasshead22 on youtube

    2. Sergeant_Skyrim
    3. Captainbasshead22


      no lie thats a very good idea...my friend sarah shall be a good candidate

  12. tomorrow will mark the day that i have finished my first box! so anxious to see how it sounds!

    1. Krakin


      Congratulations man!

      I know the first box I made I was so proud of.

    2. Neckbeard


      ^ Agree with krakin, but i'de love to re-do my first. Could have been so much better

    3. Captainbasshead22


      The scariest part is wondering the whole if it will suck and thanks guys!

  13. trying to a local car audio and performance club going. there no audio clubs at all here so i figure it should be fun! any ideas or tips on how i can get lots of people and there to be fun?

    1. justin0943


      give stuff away they will come

    2. matt14


      Try and find some members in your area and see if they are down to give demos and maybe bring it up then. Also hit your local car shows and ask anyone that you would want in your club.

    3. Captainbasshead22


      That's a good idea how do I find members that are local on this website?

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