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Tribe Called Bass

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Everything posted by Tribe Called Bass

  1. Its definitely not a phasing issue. I have a 2015 chevy Silverado ltz and ran all my own speaker wire to avoid any in line crossovers and whatever else they add in the bose system. My system is completely independent and ive tried endless amounts of different configurations. I even placed these in my sisters civic with a sq build and they still sounded terrible. Any recommendations on a new set of speakers that aren't overpriced and insanely underwhelming? So who wants a b2 3 way and a reference 4 channel amp? 😂😂😂
  2. Oh boy where do i start...I'm so insanely disappointed. I've wanted a b2 setup for so long and now i had the funds. So i spent some serious cash on a B2 Reference 4 channel amp{$1400} and a b2 Reference 3 way kit. Tweets, mids and woofer in the kit. I WAS SO EXCITED! I hooked everything up while cutting my wrists because i just spent over $2000 on a 4 channel amp and a 3 way kit. I dialed everything in, dd1, cc1 i did my proper placement with my tweets and all that jazz. Everything was wired up ready to be fired up. Turn the radio on and well...i was...i was so upset. It sounded terrible. Nothing remotely better than my premium bose system i had in there prior. Disappointed, mad and angry i thought maybe it was my crossovers. So i removed those and went active....still nothing exciting. Maybe its the RCA's who knows!? Replaced those...nothing. I brought in my external eq and fine tuned it...still sounded terrible. I replaced the wiring, added more sound deadening and once again. Nothing worth $600 for a 3 way set I had a CT sounds kit in my old expeditiin that sounded absolutely amazing for such a dirt cheap price out of the box with no tuning. So i had an idea of ok I'll just do exactly what i did with my old setup and apply it to this one. NOPE! Terrible. On top of all of this, being insanely angry over how excited i got over such an expensive setup my damn 4 channel amp stopped working. Months passed and i got my amp fixed so i went to my last resort and got a helix DSP mk2, had a very reputable shop tune it just incase i was missing something and still no luck. My tuning guy told me to throw these out. All in all, its a love hate relationship with B2. I'm very angry at the price i payed for all of this. I'm not here to bash B2 and i know theres a handful of people who do enjoy this brand but if you are reading this B2 please lower the prices down. If i payed half of what i spent i would've been just fine. This left a bad taste in my mouth.
  3. Oh boy where do i start...I'm so insanely disappointed. I've wanted a b2 setup for so long and now i had the funds. So i spent some serious cash on a B2 Reference 4 channel amp{$1400} and a b2 Reference 3 way kit. Tweets, mids and woofer in the kit. I WAS SO EXCITED! I hooked everything up while cutting my wrists because i just spent over $2000 on a 4 channel amp and a 3 way kit. I dialed everything in, dd1, cc1 i did my proper placement with my tweets and all that jazz. Everything was wired up ready to be fired up. Turn the radio on and well...i was...i was so upset. It sounded terrible. Nothing remotely better than my premium bose system i had in there prior. Disappointed, mad and angry i thought maybe it was my crossovers. So i removed those and went active....still nothing exciting. Maybe its the RCA's who knows!? Replaced those...nothing. I brought in my external eq and fine tuned it...still sounded terrible. I replaced the wiring, added more sound deadening and once again. Nothing worth $600 for a 3 way set I had a CT sounds kit in my old expeditiin that sounded absolutely amazing for such a dirt cheap price out of the box with no tuning. So i had an idea of ok I'll just do exactly what i did with my old setup and apply it to this one. NOPE! Terrible. On top of all of this, being insanely angry over how excited i got over such an expensive setup my damn 4 channel amp stopped working. Months passed and i got my amp fixed so i went to my last resort and got a helix DSP mk2, had a very reputable shop tune it just incase i was missing something and still no luck. My tuning guy told me to throw these out. All in all, its a love hate relationship with B2. I'm very angry at the price i payed for all of this. I'm not here to bash B2 and i know theres a handful of people who do enjoy this brand but if you are reading this B2 please lower the prices down. If i payed half of what i spent i would've been just fine. This left a bad taste in my mouth. Sincerely, a very disappointed customer... 😥
  4. fixed. delete post
  5. Just broke up with my girl...MORE MONEY FOR MY BUILD WOOOO BABY!

  6. Wonder if I should keep my 01’ Ford Expedition (187k) 4.6 THATS already all wired up OR buy a newer, lower mileage Tahoe ? regardless either one will get beat up from my future build.

    1. deathcards


      just a warning ford starts filtering out parts after 8 years unless the part is popular

    2. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      Whatya mean filtering out? As in getting rid of the extra shit that doesn’t get used a lot?

    3. deathcards


      right and its sucks cause some of this stuff shows up at my work i go to look up the part, and obsolete sometimes i can get it through other dealers (10% price increase) aftermarket is sometimes forgiving and has something that works and sometimes it doesn't have anything. :/ gotta say though i used to be big on chevy but after working here i must say v8 chevy or ford will last a long time with proper maintenance

  7. Smoke coming from box, it's not a coil smell but more just a normal rubber smell...none of my wires are hot and my cap is only a little bit warm. Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aygobasshead


      Too much power is your cap is getting warm... SA's don't handle 1300 watts IMO, I'd tone it down a bit, but that could be me. I ran an SA as well on 1000 watts and it ran fine. Could depend on box size etc.

    3. audiofanaticz


      The 1.3K's and all of the Twisted amps are a bit underrated. I want to say the 1.3k will do 1600ish watts rms @ 1ohm.

      SA's can take some serious power for being only a 2.5 inch coil, but typically as you go up in power and push them far beyond their rated rms you need to start shrinking box volume (as with any woofer).
      You can throw gobs of power at it in a box that is ideal to what they ask for, but prolonged periods of time your just going to be asking for issue.

      I had a pair of the old rev 1 SA 12s in a 4th order bandpass powered by a SAZ-4500 and they took it fine for the longest time until one day they had enough and the surrounds tore, coils where still good though.

      Granted even though the power is clean there will be a point that too much power is just too much, and an quality 3 inch coil is by far more forgiving than a 2.5 inch coil.

    4. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      thank you! little delayed on the reply...i know it's throwing 1.5k consistently at the subwoofer, I toned the gain down and kept certain songs out of my daily tunes. Haven't had an issue since :)


    1. Jessica


      welcome back!

    2. WalledSonic


      Been waiting to see what that SCV7500 does for you.

  9. Bass has taken its first victim on my expedition...fuel tank strap snapped right in half HAHAHAAH. Time to break out the ol' miller dynasty 

    1. WalledSonic


      Pics or it didnt happen!  Also, have you thought about starting a build log?

  10. Got a failure to stop ticket 2 weeks ago...so I go to pay it online and well turns out cop wrote the wrong date(month behind) so they're tryna hit me with a $50 late fee HA! I feel like this was definetely not a mistake because this dude was MAD 

  11. the great feeling you get when everything in your car finally blends well and sounds relatively decent ?

  12. That moment when you get pulled over by a cop who does a 160+ in his personal daily LOL. Coolest cop I've ever met and he wasn't young either!

    1. Keith77


      Pics or lies!!! 

  13. Fixed my headunit, was just a bent prong inside the adapter lol...got the clarion EQ finally working, what an unreal difference it makes. Found out I was trying to power it with a low voltage wire LOL . Remote was fine power was well, close to dead. Finally having a day off Saturday so now I'll finally be able to get everything tuned and looking good

  14. Stayed up late last night getting my SAE 50.4 all nice and wired up after having no amp for over a week....go to turn everything on and well now my headunit is no good. Fuses are fine, grounds are fine ...Never ends. Any good single din headunits out there? I'd love to get a Kenwood double din but this clarion EQ looks too good to be put somewhere else lol

  15. Praying to baby Jesus my girlfriend signs my FedEx package because if she doesn't wake up for it I'm going to soccer kick her right in the kidney. SAE 50.4 ?...up next is the SAX 200.4 was planning on getting the updated version but the older one is so nice and big lol....I WANT!

  16. Did you try turning the subsonic ALL the way up and then press read, lower it and it should pick it up.
  17. Good or bad idea to place 10" speakers or shallow subwoofers on the sides of my middle console?

  18. Just got my Twisted Sounds 1.3k for the SA15 in my sisters car. Her boyfriend "tuned it" while I was out....Knew something was wrong sooooo yea I swooped in with the CC1/DD1 + O-Scope and my laaaawwd! She's COOKIN' for a small amp! 

    1. Jessica


      you got a lot of shit going on in your life man.

    2. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      HA! You're telling me man, work 7 days a week and using every spare minute I have on all these builds I'm doing LOL

    3. Karkov


      pics. of sister

  19. Yea I'll start with that and whatever I'm missing out on I'll add into the mix ?
  20. Well damn just poked a hole in my new SA15 in the surround lol...socket + drill ~ slipped off the bolt straight into it. Helllooooooo epoxy ? ....on the bright side just totally got rid of the most painful zit on my back after many attempts over the past few weeks ????LOL thought I'd let all yah homies know.

    1. Kyblack76
    2. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      Shoe goop? That's what everyone has been saying or the brand GOOP?

  21. 4 ZV5 15's ? If my financial part doesn't pull through then it'll be 2 ZV5 15's
  22. Yes. Not 2 10" subwoofers, midrange or midbass speakers
  23. Yea I like that idea A LOT because once I get all excited I start overwhelming myself because there's just so much to choose from...last thing I want is to spend extra money I didn't need to spend. Shooting for a 50/50 mix nothing crazy but manageable in a daily.
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