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Everything posted by Colin - STAPUFT

  1. What ratio did it have and what are you going to? What about a posi or a locker?
  2. Has this happened again somewhere or is this the same older video? I know what it is and refuse to watch it. It makes me so mad I can't see straight. I know us talking religion is a no-no and I'm not trying to persuade anyone on here one way or the other, but as a Christian, this disgusts me. How can you call yourself Christian and disrespect the dead like that- especially someone who died protecting you??? The freedoms of one person or group of people can only exist if they DO NOT infringe on the freedoms of another. I believe that these fools waaaay overstepped that line.
  3. www.daveramsey.com Why do you NEED a credit card? You can do everything with a Debit card that you can do with a Credit card, and you do it with your money and don't have to worry with them hitting you with interest or sticking you. My work requires me spend large amounts of $$ at times on trips with rental cars, plane tickets, food, hotel rooms, etc.... I don't use a credit card. I saved up cash and created my own personal expense account with a big cushion in there. The company reimburses me in a few weeks and over and over it goes. I once thought that everyone needed a credit card just because, and to build credit. I haven't used a credit card in over 8 years and my Credit Score is Above 800. Just pay all of your bills on time or early and that is all you need to do. Funny thing is that even with a good score, my limit was only like $6,500- though they upped the card to a Platnum card (like the color of the card makes a difference on how much interest they were charging....). I say bank on yourself and pocket the money that you would be paying in interest. Let that money make you interest instead. Instead of paying out, you are getting paid. That is how "the rich get richer" - they do rich people stuff. They aren't careless with their money. You do that long enough and you become rich people too.
  4. Sucks dude. Yeah, getting them to do a Signature is the best way to stop that mess. Even then they can screw up, but people aren't very likely to sign for something that isn't theirs if they live on that street. Having to go to the PO to get the package sucks, but it is better than not getting it at all. Years ago, I shipped a $300+ Detroit Locker Rear End back and it got "lost". I had it insured with signature confirmation. After a few weeks it hadn't gotten there. The place I sent it to claimed they never got it and the PO said they sent it. However, they wouldn't show me the proof from the signature confirmation. Long story short- it took me over 6 MONTHS to get my insured value of $300 from the PO. And I mean I bugged them like crazy until they paid me. They knew it was their fault, but they don't care- you aren't going to get them fired by complaining once or twice about it. You have to make the INDIVIDUAL you are dealing with realize that you are serious and that you won't leave them alone until you get treated properly.
  5. That's it right there! Oh man- Swiss Cake Rolls and Hot Chocolate! Just open the box and pour them out- *POOF* Where did they all go? In my belly. I would like to add that this is an evil thread- I ate all kinds of junk food last night after reading this. Then I passed out in a pile of empty wrappers. hehehe
  6. Screw you guys and your fudge rounds!!!! Swiss Cake Rolls!!!! Firstly: They are delicious. Secondly: They are Swiss! Which means that they are like precise, utilitarian, and probably blond. Thirdly: They are Freakin' Cake Lastly: that is in a handy snacklet of a Roll!!! OM NOM NOM NOM!!!
  7. Classic! I love Nemesis. Drop tha Bottom ORIGINAL (one of my favorite bass songs EVER - Long 42 & 50hz bass) Temple of Boom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvKHxVNuIf8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvKHxVNuIf8 Thanks for bringing up Nemesis! It has been so long, I almost forgot about them! Old school from TX!
  8. lol... ok, "you guys" (meaning Liberals) in a discussion are like trying to nail jello to the wall. When there is a FACT, you squirm past it and zing on to the next thing that doesn't have anything to do with the price of tea in China. Blame the bribes, blame the Republicans, blame the "Radical" Tea Party members, blame blame blame.... Everything but address the issue and look someone in the eye. PLEASE elaborate on how it is Unconstitutional to sue against something is Unconstitutional! You are using the Constitution against itself! That is like the blind leading the blind- they both go into the ditch. And the "Republicans" suing against this aren't Republicans. They are the STATES' ATTORNEYS GENERAL! Period. It shouldn't matter if they are Democrat, Republican, Independant, Black, White, Male, female... None of that matters. All that matters is the issue. They represent the Individuals ("The People" in that Constitution that libs wipe their butts with) in those States. Power comes from the Individuals in the States. The States grant (Not give, but Grant -that means it can be taken back) power to the Federal Government. This IS the Constitution! Like Namosh pointed out: it is impossible to govern without the consent of the governed. Please address ANY of the points in the last 2 pages of posts. Any of them. Do it and try not to bring up Republican, Tea Party, Conservative, Liberal, Socialist, Democrat... blame, any side story, or so-and-so did this or that- and just address the points brought up in regard to the Constitution and prove your point. You can't. Just try. We await any and all feeble attempts to Undermine the Constitution of These United States.
  9. What? I am really trying to understand that statement. So you are saying it is the American Individual's fault for being pissed at the politicians for something they did?? That is like saying it is wrong for someone to be mad at me because I punched them in the face! If I decided that someone "needed" that, that doesn't mean the person wouldn't get pissed! And you think that Republicans didn't get a SINGLE pissed off phone call telling them that they had better not dare vote for the bill or they would be out? You think that EVERYONE at DC protesting the bill knew EVERY politician and if they were a Democrat or Republican just from sight??? REALLY?? WHAT Republican Threats? Obama threatened Democrats when he said "If this doesn't pass, I will be a one term prez..." That means the Dems go too! That means no help for the Dems left from a Republican Congress. You think That wasn't a threat? I could care if he got re-elected as pres if I were a Congress Person because their loyalty is NOT to the President, but to their Individual Constituents and to the Constitution. What is this double standard? Edit: Namosh beat me to the punch!!! Damn Ninja!
  10. Yep.. and they were idiots then too. Guess where THOSE republicans are now? Gone. Voted out for a new Democrat ruled Congress. Ahhh democracy. hmmmmm.... and here we are AGAIN. Wait a minute... you are saying that all the Democrats are is Copycats of Republicans!!! Is that what you are saying? That back then when Republicans were FOR a health care plan that those EVIL Democrats shut it down just because they didn't want to vote alongside the Republicans?? How dare you talk bad about Democrats that way! I jest. Seems that individuals paint with too broad a brush when it comes to politics. Just because "Republicans" did this back when- it doesn't mean they are the same Individuals that are Republican Congress Men and Women NOW. And to shoot this whole argument down- THIS plan (The Obama plan) is Nothing like the older Republican plan was. Two totally different things. Mr. Apple, meet Mr. Orange. Not the same.
  11. Yeah man, I remember you! We still need to meet up sometime- like you said, wally world or Audio Advantage or Hoopers or something. We need to see how many Golden Triangle People are on here and meet up and bump!

  12. What is spring break?? lol Even when I was in school, I worked spring break.
  13. Check this guy too: http://www.myspace.com/jremy This guy is cool as he can be. We've met and he is really good friends with my brother in law. Music is of the same ilk with a South MS flair.
  14. Boy is serious. I actually like it. The part where grandpa' got in was funny!
  15. That's great! LOL. I just drove through your town today as a matter of fact. See- cops are people too.
  16. I have always believed things happen for a reason.... Had that person not hit you, you wouldn't have gone to that shop when you did and found out that he had space available when it was. That and all the work you have put into the Hobby for YEARS has all lined up just right to get you to this point. I think it was all meant to be. Let me join in the long list of people congratulating you Steve. Wootie Woo Woo!
  17. Why not add some fiberglass and resin and dowel rod bracing inside of that box for strength? Looks great though. I was double checking between the before and after pics of the door panels for the tweets. Looks factory. Very stealth. Nice!
  18. Yeah, but how are they going to stop it when a kid runs in front of them? Still- all a ploy to get hits on youtube
  19. I did! lol.... who was it who said something in another thread?? "Damnit! Why does it always have to come back to the funky pups?!?!" Boon you had me on the floor with your post!
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