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Everything posted by flashlight_65

  1. sweet jesus. goes to show what trail and error and a bit of tweaking can produce. nice work
  2. rear view mirror came off, 1 rear door is a bit tricky to open and the bottom chrome trim unsnaps on the rear quarter panels so far
  3. dayum man i was wondering what kind of numbers your burb was puttin up esspecialy after the last battle with the beast that shit was epic. it looks like you changed the box. that shit beat when you played i feel like dying. post up the setup in the burb.

  4. so did the fine swirls come out? i try to wash and wax my caddy once a week and polish/ clay bar every other month but the dark paint has no mercy on the fine swirl marks. if it did then i'll have to check em out
  5. stupid shit like that is just pointless. that sucks man. on a lighter note you can finish off the window with the system.
  6. how far is that from camp lejeune? i'll be stationed there in a month
  7. thanks for lookin' out for a brotha just wanted to make sure there wasnt anything crazy. changing fliuds and filters i can do. thanks
  8. http://www.tv.com/uservideos/?action=video...nI6n2P55bsIszXe
  9. i agree with you there. i'm proud of being in the big green gun club, but it's youth also i'm 28 and all the guys under my charge are 19-21. it's mostly a maturity issue. oh by the way they call me Grandpa (at least the ones who rate) cause i'm as old as my platoon Sgt and Plt commander. i joined when i was 25.
  10. its not that im mad at him i just wanted to talk to him because i saw he was all frazzled. if my car gets messed up then its on. but right now im cool i just wished he would have stated his case with me instead of bringing it up to the base police and higher ups.
  11. im driving from WA to MN (1700 miles) then 3 weeks later from MN to NC (1200 miles)
  12. i'm gonna change the oil. make sure the tires a inflated and good to go any other things i should do before my endeavor. i apprieciate the help
  13. it's all good though i'm out of this command in 9 days. after that throw my dueces up and bump my shit all the way out.
  14. i was giving a demo to a few guys in my platoon. and the guy that complained in my first vid came back out and was heated. yelling and shit (partially cause the music was going) i apologized and told him to hold on so i could reason with him. i go and turn the volume down and this dude storms off. i'm a pretty chill guy i was gonna apologize again and move somewhere else but as he's walking away he's talking shit about how i shouldn't be suprised if i find my car all fu*#ed up. well 10 mins later the duty shows up to my barracks with the base police. they told me i can no longer play my music on base. it was a good thing i new the duty he was a Sgt in my platoon. he told me not to worry, but i let him know if my rides messed up there is gonna be some issues. he gave me the heads up that this dude already cried to his higher ups man. i can understand it was kinda loud but it was 7:30 pm and there's music playing from the barracks and people yelling. and i get singled out. whatever, i was gonna reason with him and come to a mutual understanding, cause thats the way i am. but when someone come up behind you looking like they're ready to box makes you change your demeanor quick. a big part of it is i'm on a naval base and the Sailors and Marines bump heads a lot. i dont know why maybe it's petty bs cause i get along fine with the sailors in my combat team. sorry to rant but my junior marines where looking at me afterwards like "why didnt you Deebo the fuck outta him?" and i had to let them know it would have just been a bigger issue if i did.... youngin's
  15. i installed the system on friday and i got 2 random people that say it sounds like shit already. hate hate... hate hate hate
  16. hell yeah! that sounds kick ass. how much deadener did you use? i got 3 layers on the sides and it still rattles like hell.
  17. any good things about the dd z2? or spl dynamics d5? supposedly they are the same board.
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