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Status Replies posted by ROLEXrifleman

  1. The truck needs wheel bearings and I'm 3.5 hours away at school FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK me :'(

  2. just got home from the ER, no shame in admitting i was on the floor near tears. fuck you gall bladder.

  3. just got home from the ER, no shame in admitting i was on the floor near tears. fuck you gall bladder.

  4. Bass and Boobs vid link-

  5. LOL at people willing to downgrade gear just to get free shit.

  6. LOL at people willing to downgrade gear just to get free shit.

  7. Did Nakamichi buy out Boston Acoustics Car Audio division? hmm

  8. been so long without bass that I forgot what it sounds like, anyone else feeling the same?

  9. been so long without bass that I forgot what it sounds like, anyone else feeling the same?

  10. Ariana Grande.......

  11. So me at work. Lady comes in holding child. nice lady talking to me. Child Grabs lady shirt and pulls down. Me see little bit of boobs. But maintain eye contact. Peripheral vision FTW

  12. *me talking to customer* Sir your car is in good shape, You just need one brake light bulb. *Customer* nah i'll do that later. *Me* You sure? We can do it now. It's only a few bucks. *him* nope. Cutomer comes back 30 minutes later. Holding his warning ticket for no stop light bulb.

  13. Results are in, I am still the Greatest Mexican Alive

  14. waiting for fed ex to drop off the icon!

  15. Ok. I recomend this Movie to anyone. If you can make it throug the movie you are king. the move is "rubber" It's on netflix. Check it out

  16. Got accepted to the Electrical Engineering Program at MSOE! Crazy excited!

  17. Found out yesterday after the xrays and blood test, i have pneumonia. Its hard not to cough right now... FML.

  18. seen on fb obsidian is calling it quits sad to see them go

  19. Here we go, someone wants to run their mouth

  20. Here we go, someone wants to run their mouth

  21. what would you do??? so a craigslist customer threatened my wife then my life , all for nothin .. #wrongone2fukwit!

  22. I let my sister drive the Exploder. She loves the system. But she adjusted my seats and mirrors. And no, no pics of my

  23. Sent the Ti basket off to get powder coated

  24. The word 'verb' is actually a noun.

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