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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. Holy fuck Bear's fans. Y'all just gave up 3 touchdowns in less than 50 seconds. I mean the Patriots are good, but your fucking Bears are making them look unstoppable.

    1. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I didn't give up shit but positive feelings for that team. It sounds crazy but the defense was only exposed because the offense can't stay on the field.

  2. I've spent the entire day looking at nothing but West Cost Customs on the DVR. Looking at rides that way I would do them if I was freaking wealthy. Oh happy happy joy joy happy happy joy!

    1. BeachJoshua


      They know how to fuck some shit up as well as make it look nice... You can drop all the money you want in a ride and it still look like complete shit.

  3. If you have a wonderful man, who helps balance your whole world, who isn't perfect but is perfect for you, who works hard & would do anything for you, who makes you laugh & drives you crazy, who is your best friend, who you want to grow old with, who you are thankful for everyday, & who you couldn't live without, brag about him a little and post this as your status. Oh LeVar you're my every man's man.

    1. BeatBox


      You like a mans man? Tha FAWK?! lol

  4. SassynSingle Bunton,Now your about to watch America's Team spank the shit out of the J.E.T.S!

    1. Dan2427


      lol they tried til the 4th quarter. I thought it was gonna be a blow out til I tony homo fumbled at the 2yd line

  5. So Claire my burger angel from Steak n Shake brought me my first ever Royale Double Down.

    1. mr.p


      Is that when they put their pinky in your ass and gobble on your balls like a turkey? Royale double down...hmm maybe thats the royal down under?

  6. UFC 133 is tonight. I may go to the Kilt to watch it. I'm trying to find anyone else willing to go.

    1. BeatBox


      Tilted Kilt? is that the place u are talking about? if so that place is awesome

  7. In my monday kick ass mode

    1. BeatBox


      im in my pay bills and be kinda broke mode

  8. I told folks to watch out for Buffalo. They are about to take out New England, and the Lion's aren't kidding around either.

  9. Is it so wrong to crave the other white meat?

    1. Bakerman


      Baby...the other other white meat!

  10. So I have a swarm of ants on my kitchen counters. I guess it's time to spray the house now.

    1. kwag415


      Bomb that shit! lol

  11. Oh my god that ending to True Blood. Talk about a fucking cliff hanger.

    1. nCOMP1337


      LOL, just finished catching up on True Blood

  12. Rough rough day and its finally over with.

  13. So I just had an interesting visit from the the fairy god mother. It was magical and funny at the same time. Its wild when you don't seek confrontation while someone else does and when you don't give it the time of day you piss them off worser then what they were before.

  14. Laughing my ass off at my older brother and the shit he says online.

  15. Just a few more hours to go and then I'll...

  16. Lets go get the rims on the burban today please. So excited for this day.

  17. This was by far one of the shittiest emotional days I've had to deal with.

  18. I think its time I call it a night. I need to get some rest and figure out my day for tomorrow. Night all.

  19. Failed. The tires rub too much in the front. Wheels have to come off until I figure out the front end issue or go with lower profile tires. Either way no wheel

  20. Spending the day with my baby girl.

  21. Good pick Rams. Make that D line a feared line to cross.

  22. So I'm throwing another house party.

  23. Oh my what a show what a show. For those of you that missed it you missed a classic. I know know what a water bottle show is. :)

  24. Time to get up and get this long long work week over with already.

  25. I think today is the perfect day for me to leave work early. I think I am.

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