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suburban ant

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Everything posted by suburban ant

  1. why didnt you burp it? if you didnt know your freq you could run a sweep.. did you bass race it?
  2. a very smart man told me to put the 4"s in the kicks
  3. yes!!!! hahahah tthats awesome, but whyd u get only one?
  4. yummy.. they sure are sexy man.. i saw a vid of one its a hoss on the track too
  6. hey man im too lazy to read all these replies but just use one, sell off the other or keep as a backup.. when i saw 4.5 max per woof i cringed.. use the 1 with a good 7 cubes.. trust me you wont be dissapointed.. plus the wow factor when you tell someone youre only running one sub is priceless.
  7. well youre doin the right thing by doing research.. times have changed and now most shops become null and void for us DIYers. tell us about your ride, your budget, your amp and we will help get ya rollin right.
  8. 178 port wars is even an incredible score.. homeboy is just talkin out of his ass.. throw him on a tl and laugh when he dont hit a 150
  9. where is milton? ive had a cc754 forever, love that amp.. might scoup that for the hell of it
  10. havent played this, but if you want a great racing game pick up need for speed pro street
  11. So my moms called me sunday all pissed and depressed. Some jerk ass kids straight up vandalized our frosty outfront. It was sick, the thick wire frame with all the lights n shit, they cut the wire and kicked the fuck outta it. So she went on to tell me she took a piece of my 1/2" mdf in the garage and wrote "Some punk kids ruined my Christmas Spirit" and put it on the lawn and hasnt turned lights on since. Today was her bday so I bought her a new one. Now how the hell can i rig this son of a bitch so if them fucks come back they will learn their lesson? Can i take the cut cord from the original and solder it to the metal frame, basically making it hold a charge so if u touch it you get a shock? I wish i could be there so if i heard them i could go out there n fuck em up but im a good 20 mins away. ANy other ideas to make this frosty fight back?
  12. series parallel or parallel series.. get either 2 or .5 from each sub, than ur golden..
  13. that video made me cold, i could immagine having to go thru all that
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