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Everything posted by mrafrica

  1. yeah thats the kind of spot light it is. thats what we got it for. i might use 1 mil candle power spotlights though. i can get them for $10 apiece at walmart. and id be more likey to find a nice old chrome housing for it.
  2. meade you have enough flyy ass whips. you dont need another one now! shit dont you have 3?
  3. what about tk4's or two sundown 3000's per sub
  4. ive had the same problem. i pulled the dust cap off and ran a new wire thru the cone and elmer ultimate glued it back together. worked like a champ
  5. looking good. that is one very beastly van you have there. one of the reasons im trying to get one.
  6. ok ive had this idea for along time. i have a 2 mil candle power vector spotlight and when i was using it upnorth it shines nicely. (i dont shine for deer if thats what your thinking) it really pierces thru the dark and i was thinking of getting another one and finding a 5 7/8" diameter light housing and mounting them in those and using them when driving in the county. they run off of a 12 volt 3 amp battery. so they wouldnt draw that much. i could even have them adjustible where they wernt soo bright and whatnot. cause i can never see good enough when driving upnorth even with brights on. (i never see the deer on the side of the road waiting to cross but everyone else does.) i almost hit a massive buck on my 4wheeler one time when driving to the cabbin from a friends on it. adding to my point of not being able to see well. so what do you guys think of that idea? maybe even some 750000 candle power or 1 mil. i would have to work with it to get it right. cause you dont want it where you have to turn them off cause they are too bright at times. please dont completly bash my idea or be rude.
  7. everyone doesnt like to drive with em casue im a defensive driver. and i have bad road rage as ive said before. on greenbay road i hate it when people are going slow and shit when im trying to get back home and am doing 115 and they are side by side talking and shit being buddy buddy. i ride there ass's and weave behind both the people. ill sometimes take the shoulder and pass.
  8. haha only 7??? i had 15 so i lost mine. well i had 3 for improper turn. and then i got 12 for a 30 over ticket cause it was double pointer. but when i get my new subs and amp haha they will move forsure. ive got some VERY good ideas in mind. and im gonna do some performance stuff too. =]
  9. i hate that shit too man. i ride there ass with a foot on the gas and the other one hovering the brake if incase they try something. then i pass them when i have the chance doing atleast like 50 and then cut them off. i also too have bad road rage. i get it from both my parents. my mom calls names and stuff. my dad flips off, calls names and goes ape shit on them.
  10. haha i had that as my ringtone awhile ago. the part when it says my dick rumble in the jungle your dick got touched by your unlce. that was kinda towards the end of it.(verizon ringtone)
  11. k\i would really love to know how to do this stuff.
  12. no that wasnt ment towards you at all. it was for the person that posted above me. all the brands he mentioned were car audio brands. yeah ik what you mean
  13. i wouldnt use car audio stuff for this aplication. go with DJ or concert speakers. they are really the same IMO.
  14. is that why there arnt solid wire in big gauges? and the obvouse flexibility issues?
  15. if my amp sells once again im looking into buying this. it is very fixable from the pics. (stupid people not emailing back off of craigs list)
  16. our schools are closed today due to the cold. i heard its below -30 out. thats what it takes for the schools to be closed with the windchill. and -20 without the windchill will get them closed too. we have winds gusting up to 24 mph too
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