This is something steve would say
I dont know where im going with this until its done"
As far as u guys asking what hes doing to it its not that he doesn't wanna tell, he just has no idea lol
Not Really im just doing my daily post dumping, because i already know the woofer and if i give out info ill just be another one of the know it alls that never touched a woofer
I don't thik its fake one of my friends did this in our league game from the other side almost half court not cuz noone expected to see magic but yeah it's been done just this one happens to be on tv
It's at perfection i like it. Even with a magnifing glass u couldn't find imperfections. Sounds great tooo.
Hell its louder then most peoples cars on this forum and its at like 77% done
SMH a co sign is having to beg and depend on somebody.. a co signer is a person that will take over your loan if y can't pay ur shit... in today's Chrisist u think anyone will co sign u just like that?
Soooo just free loading.? Not gonna give anyone a reach around? Or lap dance buy lunch?u Just need somebody TO TAKE time of THEIR Day to GIVE YOU demoes? Where i do i sign up?