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Everything posted by BeatBox

  1. for some reason i always expect hamsters to hop out these cars after seeing this XB last year, i wouldnt mind having one for car audio....BUT for a daily id go for something different
  2. it should no problem, just gotta make sure its the right offset so it doesnt hit frame before you turn all the way tire wise its hard to say since u havent lowered it and dont know exactly how much room you have
  3. TOO LATE! they already do that, two stores here, u need a quarter to unhook the shopping cart from one another, that way u return it and dont leave it in the parking lot lol so you return it and get your quarter back? Im sure people still just leave them out if that's the case Some stores here use to have long poles on them so they cant leave the store. they wont make it out the door yup, it locks it in there once i unhook it from another cart, then it pops it out when u hook it back up...here is a link the pic of it http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&gl=us&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=btYQT_PTDuqe2AXwqp2ECg&ved=0CDEQvwUoAQ&q=aldis+shopping+cart&spell=1&biw=320&bih=416#i=9
  4. TOO LATE! they already do that, two stores here, u need a quarter to unhook the shopping cart from one another, that way u return it and dont leave it in the parking lot lol
  5. OP i chose option two, but IMO either go bigger on wheels or go for the off road look, 20s will change the look but not worth the price.....
  6. gotta keep the nice stuff inside, theres always haters out there, sucks to hear..... EDIT: worked on a black Escalade ext, with "FCK YOU" all over the hood, side doors, tailgate
  7. id try a local shop if u can find one ebay google it up- here is a site i found http://www.ezaccessory.com/Billet_Wheel_Adapters_s/25.htm they should sit with in the fenders and not mexi flush since its going from a malibu to a blazer when YOU DO find the adapters, make sure the hubs are clean of corrosion or rust, then put loc tight on the studs, then torque them to specs i run dome spacer/adapters on the rear of my jimmy and even with the 24s ive never had a problem, found mine locally GL
  8. the cut off line doesnt depend on the bulbs, you can use reg. halogen bulbs if u needed to.....it matters on the projector/headlight itself only reason i would buy it separately is because of the warranty on HID's thru ddmtunning
  9. personally they are alittle ricey id stick to oem BUT! thats not a bad price, only thing i dont know if i missed it but what kind of warranty is on the hid's them self's? id buy the headlights from ebay and the hid's separately from ddmtunning.com, lifetime warranty and FOR ME they have worked perfectly
  10. its awesome to see stuff you only see on forums or online...i live here in norther indiana, nothing special but saw some kid the other day with a Fi Sub, custom box and sporting some TECHFORCESEVICES.COM decals Small world
  11. dont worry mall cops around here ride around in their ford escape's thinking their hot sht too
  12. sell to pay for part of the payment on a newer one, youll keep having to spend money over and over so might aswell do it now and safe yourself the head aches in the future.
  13. looks like "green peace" and the "treehugger's" struck back sooner than expected
  14. seen commercial for it but never watched it... its on G4 http://www.g4tv.com/bombpatrol/videos/
  15. I was going to suggest menudo but didn't think anybody would know what that was heck yeah that sht is fire, with some tortillas and your set. but personally not the best after a hangover for me some sort of fast food, Gatorade and ibuprofen
  16. i have one in the teg, pretty happy with it, havent had a problem with it since ive had it, im running mine at 1ohm i havent tested it for how much exactly its putting out but it sure does push the DC's
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