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Status Replies posted by BeatBox

  1. oh someones about to get bent out of shape. Just watch

  2. Key and Peele is funny, I hope this show lasts a couple seasons.

  3. Borrowed a deck, got my bass back. Woot!

  4. Whats on your mind? I am trying to break the comment record.. now make a comment I dare you :)

  5. Good morning! love mondays!

  6. I tried logging in on my iPad today, then I realized It was an etch-a-sketch, and that I don't own an ipad

  7. Thank You SMD Family......so much!

  8. the cops came to my house yesterday and apparently my dogs have been chasing kids on bikes... i told him to lay off the drugs because my dogs dont ride bikes.cops these days.

  9. finally got my 4x90 back from AQ. God its nice to have tunes on the way to work.

  10. second 18" is here, ordered some more 1/0 and 8 gauge, and got my D3100 charged up and ready to go. now i just need three sheets of birch and to start the box!

  11. if only Steve would shut the forum down for one day so i could get some HW done for once. :/

  12. About to eat sum tacos de harina con little Caesars pizza ohhhh and sun crazy sauce :)

  13. wish it would rain or snow in nevada

  14. ready for my tax return i have batteries to buy

  15. I cant stand the Tebow love affair.

  16. Spaghetti for supper. Anyone want to join?

  17. i see some seriously border line gay status updates in here. IJS

  18. Dont be a douche bag...

  19. What's on your mind?

  20. Tip of the Day: Do not let a negative battery wire touch the positive bussbar.

  21. My Crescendo 5500 should be here Thursday.

  22. Yᵒᵘ Oᶰˡʸ Lᶤᵛᵉ Oᶰᶜᵉ

  23. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Years Eve! PLEASE don't drink and drive, it's not worth the risk!!!!

  24. Got the battery rack done, and the entire vehicle is foamed. Already did one coat and sanded it down level. Put in the second layer earlier and it is drying. Also, working on tinting the remainder of ALL my lights. Headlights, turn signals, side markers, even the dome lamp.

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