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Status Replies posted by BeatBox

  1. It took alot to actually place that order for my next AQ2200. It hurts to see that kind of money just gone from your account. Oh well...its well worth it in the end.

  2. 12 hour days of work 5 days a week is fun. Especially those that get there rusted out not running cars towed to the shop. Drop 1000+ in car audio and tow it home. Most of them a lot brakes just taking it on and off the tow truck. Like the one while taking it off frame broke and he still dropped 1500 in audio. Interesting.

  3. Quite a few really dumb people on here lately.

  4. Don't Know what to buy with my tax return...

  5. Such a PERFECT day outside

  6. Such a PERFECT day outside

  7. need a new job! any ideas

  8. Applied for my first job today... Damn its weird. Time to sorta grow up I guess. We all know that will never happen (;

  9. 245/45or40/18 (Y) o_O

  10. Getting tattoo'd... this shit hurts...

  11. Bonfire and brews. chilling with my boy and the dogs. closing on my house tomorrow! fucking woot!

  12. Went to the bathroom at the bar, 2 dudes sharing a stall together when the other 2 stalls were free. Fuck. what has been seen cannot be unseen.

  13. Went to the bathroom at the bar, 2 dudes sharing a stall together when the other 2 stalls were free. Fuck. what has been seen cannot be unseen.

  14. Was in the store buying some snacks, when i saw a guy buying himself and a friend some things with an EBT card. Then the guy walks out and gets into a NICE 2012 dodge challenger.

  15. Boom boom boom and let me hear you say ayyyyy yooooo........ I'm drunk.

  16. Saw this hot ass chick next to me at the light. I looked over and she spit a lugie and it stuck to the side of her car and chin... She wiped it off then waved. Wtf

  17. One of the oldest sayings in the book is "you get what you pay for".....well apparently that is not always true. O-O

  18. can any one here in the morristown area sew i need a ne zipper pun in like my all time fave camo shorts please

  19. That awkward moment when you hover your mouse over a youtube video while your g/f is watching over your shoulder...

  20. That awkward moment when you hover your mouse over a youtube video while your g/f is watching over your shoulder...

  21. Pulled up to a dude with his system up, said "hey bro, your shits loud" with a thumbs up. Before he could respond, turned mine up full tilt and drove away slowly. Boss.

  22. just bought Cody Palmer jeep that ran at sunset sat. got the system with it for good deal. its 2 wheel drive and it drives but needs some work. it has great system though lol. right now 1 18 dc level 4 in 5.5 cube box tuned to 30 hrz on planet audio big bang.

  23. roses are red...vilets are blue....when that bass dropped...my balls did too......lmfao

  24. My system in the new car will be as follows...2x vibe monobox @ 1.3Ohm (2500watts rms roughly) 6 jbl gt5 (350watts rms each) Either flat box, or wall, will be tuned about 30 hz PC2250 Odyssey dry cell in back (daisy chained to front)Unregulating the standard altenator

  25. something i found out If youtype a word in Facebook like a comment or status that happensto be the same as your password when you post it Facebookautomatically changes it to asterisksto protect your security.like this My password is *****

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