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Everything posted by SQMonte

  1. Yeah, definitely a good idea to do so cause that skin will flex too so anything you can do to lessen that will help in the end. Don't worry, I just did my doors today and like you it was my first time as well. It was definitely a learning experience and i'm sure once people see my pics they'll point out all kinds of things wrong with the way I did it. I'll listen to what they have to say, store it in the dome for next time and try to get better at it.
  2. you should have put some deadener on the inside of the outer door skin too
  3. I wish I could see the poor soul who listens and does this
  4. the hell is granny doing online til' 4am? LOL. Granny gets it in!
  5. Asking this is like asking is brand A is better than brand B, some are going to say yes, others say no. Me, I just feed them clean power and play as I would normally.
  6. LMAO. Could be worse, you could be stuck on vaca with no gas for your boat or car.
  7. I too get frustrated when I feel like people aren't letting me say my piece or are talking over me, i'm not above that, so I empathize. I have been with a Credit Union, The Golden 1, for the past 10yrs and it's been the most drama free 10yrs of my banking life. I previously had B of A and Wells Fargo and they were horrible, I couldn't wait to get rid of them. I don't see myself going anywhere now, The Golden 1 has taken care of me from day 1 and has made banking stress free again.
  8. To that, I have but 4 words: Don't hold your breath
  9. Would I lose it? No. Would I be pissed when I first found out? Absolutely, especially if I knew I had more than enough money in there to cover any and all charges to my account, but "losing it" to a CSR or any other employee of the bank accomplishes nothing. If the policy of the bank is to handle situations like this in person then that's what it is, losing it isn't going to change the policy and damn sure isn't going to persuade anyone to see if they can bend the rules at all to help and lastly, it isn't going to alleviate the problem. So what's the point of losing it? You're still gonna have to do what they said and go in to a branch to work it out. That sucks, no doubt, and I hope you get things all straightened out. Let us know how it works out bro.
  10. I'd be pissed to if I knew I had the money in there and yet was hit with overdraft fee's an what not, but for you to get irate about it when they tell you nothing can be done over the phone and that you'd have to go into a branch is just ridiculous. Calm down, get your paperwork in order, go into the branch and handle it, no sense in getting all worked up over something beyond your control. Enjoy your vacation and handle this when you get back home.
  11. Yezzir! I've been running it for about 3yrs now. The combo of that and ComboFix has worked wonders for me and my machine.
  12. I've listend to this guy for the past 4-5yrs off and on and at first he drew me in because I was listening to what he was saying and he seemed to be making some very valid points, but then I grew old of his schtick, he's just too over the top at times. That's not to say that he doesn't have very valid and relevant things to say, it's just that he's so extreme with it that it's hard to take him serious. I still tune in from time to time but he's just so hardcore that it's hard for me to stay interested.
  13. If my first built comes out that good I'd be thrilled. The only thing I would have done different is doubled up on the baffle so the subs could be flush mounted.
  14. Love the trunk bro, looks pimp! The car looks good overall, actually, the TL rims are sick too!
  15. You're talking to the OP, right? I already got my door pack, thanks again Ant!
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