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Everything posted by DTS909

  1. rims look very good, I would go with black calipers or a darker color, but that's just me. Doors look sweet.
  2. no cap, upgrade front battert.
  3. pomogranete martini, good stuff.
  4. Thought he was going to give him the over the shoulder boulder holder for a second.
  5. Rip Heavy D. http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/08/heavy-d-dead/#.TrnVcEOXu7s
  6. Hifonics, are you looking at the brz line? and thats way to much for that amp.
  7. I wonder how it would go if that platypus meet Early Cuyler? Poor Platypus.
  8. there's a vid on here and yt of some guy doing something like this, a member here posted it. He posted another vid on yt called "the day in a life of a car audio fourm" should take you to the other vid.
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