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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by OrionStang

  1. soo apparently im stuck with this current car for a longer while..time for some improvements..need to order some things for it..either that or buy me a second car..dont know yet..im stuck with it for at least another 2 years

  2. when driving home i was being pulled over for tinted lights and windows..as i told him it was already in the package when i bought the car he gave me back the midle finger, and then told me to just drive off..couple kilomers later he stopped me again and asked me if the camera was rolling..so i confirmed that the camera was recording...and he just asked to not tell anyone..was reported anyway..fuck stupidly ignorant cops like that..

  3. kind of a odd question..but is there a difference in a sub with a single spider versus a one with 2 or 3 spiders??

  4. kind of a odd question..but is there a difference in a sub with a single spider versus a one with 2 or 3 spiders??

  5. gunnem what did you mean with the question ˝what kind of turbo can you get in your area?? ˝..like a car or something else??

  6. It's time to piss in the stanley cup

  7. It's time to piss in the stanley cup

  8. RIP Grandpa. Miss you already

  9. Everybody was kung-fu fighting. Why can't we all just get along?


  11. WHy did they make the Colonel so derpish on the new KFC commercials?

  12. Just waiting for my huge tree in the back yard to fall because all the tree companies are booked up elsewhere with storm damage. Cost of getting Home tree from Avatar cut down 4000.00.

  13. Just waiting for my huge tree in the back yard to fall because all the tree companies are booked up elsewhere with storm damage. Cost of getting Home tree from Avatar cut down 4000.00.

  14. Just waiting for my huge tree in the back yard to fall because all the tree companies are booked up elsewhere with storm damage. Cost of getting Home tree from Avatar cut down 4000.00.

  15. helping out one of the noobs today. just want to make sure b4 he comes out, it's ok to ground to the gas tank, right?

  16. Anybody who has the Velocity Channel, coverage from this years Isle of Man TT is on right now. If you don't know, Google it. One of the most insane tests of speed in the world.

  17. this is the biggest bullshit game ever

  18. Trying to lighten the load, check out my Garage Sale items.

  19. Trying to lighten the load, check out my Garage Sale items.

  20. Trying to lighten the load, check out my Garage Sale items.

  21. Trying to lighten the load, check out my Garage Sale items.

  22. Its weird not having a car payment. I keep getting that feeling when you forget to pay a bill LOL.

  23. Fi's new site? What the actual fuck...

  24. Somebody posted a map of Texas showing which counties do and do not require emissions tests. I can't find it, any help?

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