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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Updates posted by OrionStang

  1. I was bored, so I reported all the Ebay stores from Malaysia, Singapore, Bulgaria, and Australia that sell fake Hertz speakers. Fuck them all.

  2. Pulled over for over 130. Wrote me up at 99, my lucky day.

    1. n8ball2013


      you have a heavy ass foot lol

    2. OrionStang


      It was 0100 and I was doing a zero-to-fast run getting on the freeway. CHP was the only other car on the road. My bad, LOL

  3. DD-1 is pretty cool. Turns out my 4-channel was turned up way too high. Explains the tweeter issues.

    1. MrSkippyJ


      you should bring it here and let me borrow it. Drive to TN isn't too bad for you right?

  4. Sundown 100.2, Legattia 4" mids, and Hertz tweeters for sale. Check the for sale section and don't be afraid to make an offer. Discounts on multiple item purchases.

  5. Planet of the Apes was pretty fucking boring. They show all the good parts on the commercials and trailers.

    1. iKidwell


      really? i heard it was amazing from all my friends

    2. jg23


      now i no not to watch it lol

  6. Not bumpin yet. So many "little things" to clean up and install first. Ugghhh!

  7. Lots of pussy, beer, and carne by the pool right now.

  8. Ana Ivanovic is sooo god damn sexy! Mmm, mmm, mmm....

    1. BeatBox


      i like tennis :) lol

  9. Just got my personal best kill total on Black OPs TDM; 39 kills 12 deaths.

  10. Got my check, bills are paid, heading to the casino. I'll be back later a rich man!!

    1. OrionStang


      I iz still not rich man :(

  11. Doing online traffic school right now. I might be learning something.

    1. blownengine


      Yea learn how to drive! haha

    2. blownengine


      Yea learn how to drive! haha

  12. Got another tint ticket LOL!

    1. BeatBox


      They like to hate, i havent gotten a tint ticket in the last 3 ive been pulled over. i lower my windows as the cops walks up to the car lol

    2. OrionStang


      This is the first one from a CHP. He stopped ME, even though a Prelude ahead of me was weaving in and out of traffic. Oh well.

    3. BeatBox


      haters gonna hate :insert pic of eagle walking on water:

  13. New neighbors upstairs. Their kids dropped empty boxes from the third floor. My car is parked there. I am about to kill somebody.

  14. Max points on my case study analysis. Got some haters in my class, grow the fuck up.

    1. onebadmonte


      Congrats on the case study. Never mind the hates. Keep moving forward. Only look back to make sure you're only giving the bird to the haters. :P

  15. Speeding ticket came in the mail. $424, +$54 to do traffic school, plus whatever the school charges. Damn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blownengine
    3. BeatBox


      dayum that sucks, i got a ticket and i had to watch a 4hr video and take a test lol took some points of my license

    4. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      mine was 470 plus those extra charges. im gonna make them drop the fine though. you pay less running a red light and that endangers someones life

  16. playing black ops with some Pakistani's right now!!

  17. Starting the new box. Again. For like the fifth time. Hopefully this is the last.

  18. Going to Lowe's real quick. WOOT!!

  19. Case study analysis for my written communications class is kicking my ass. My brain hurts.

  20. Just saw Criss Angel live! Trip thee fuck out, man!

  21. Chillin' in Vegas, bitches. Well, not really 'chill', its 102 and rainy. Sweatin like a motherfucker.

  22. Why the fuck does everyone love Nuketown so much. The map fucking sucks. Kill, die, kill, die bullshit.

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