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Playa Named Joe

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Everything posted by Playa Named Joe

  1. HCCA are power hungry, make sure you can give it a clean 2k rms.
  2. What part of Ohio are you from?

  3. Grammar corrections needed. I think it'd be better to run one big battery versus two smaller batteries.
  4. Lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates that stupid face. I never understood why people thought they look good or cool doing that?
  5. Lol, just for the really good subs? Nice. They might be able to hook you up. They do all kinds of reconing.
  6. He hit your car with something? That's messed up. These are the type of people that give a group of people stereotypes. My dad is a truck driver, and I don't think he would even try to speed like. Let alone, follow you and throw something at your car. Crazy stuff.
  7. This is like the box they came in, http://cgi.ebay.com/New-1500W-Bass-System-12-Sub-Enclosure-Amp-Package-/120585063591?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Car_Subwoofers_Enclosures&hash=item1c136e0ca7 , right?
  8. I remember I was going to buy these a long time ago, this store, in ebay had them. but I don't see them in there anymore. http://myworld.ebay.com/thedeepdiscount/
  9. I've had my sub up with port back for a long time. Yesterday I changed it up with port forward, and I can say it sounds about the same, but the lows sound alot lower and clearer.
  10. oThe 2 12s = more conarea, but I like 15s My single 15 sounds better than any 2 12 setup around here, so I think I made a good choice.
  11. That's a 6 year battery.... and it's 8 years+ old, I would put much on it because it might not last that much longer.
  12. 2 RE RE10s would sounds great on a budegy. I ran mine single 10 off 500rms, and it took it without a single problem.
  13. I would think as long as you have a side mirror, they wouldn't do anthing.
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