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Everything posted by littleitaly1990

  1. We know how most stuff works....it's the why that gets us... ...also we use 100% of our brains, thats more just a saying about doing all we can do...potential output for society if you will...
  2. The only tweeters I ever heard in my life that were metal but not harsh are the infinity kappa perfects, other than them, I haven't heard a single clean metal tweet.
  3. I still say get rearfill...you will be way happier if you do, because that is a big part of sq, being surrounded by music.. Also I have 200wrms to each side of my car and it still doesn't keep up with my 2 subs, so I really recommend rearfill.
  4. Smoke FTMFL I support you fully bro...try to keep that up because someday you will be really happy you did
  5. I say the 12's will probably be louder
  6. yea man I woulda upgraded the alt first because it works wonders...I basically dont have to rev my engine until about 20/22 on the volume...and I only have a 225 amp...EA FTMFW! But If I had a better battery, that would be a great help too....
  7. looks good man.... I'm a newb too, so lemme tell you, if you have patience, this is the most kickass game there is!
  8. Thanks ...I was wondering why if y'all knew I was only burping a 143 before you wouldn't at least appreciate a much higher score...then I noticed the mistake and was like, oh
  9. funny thing is,...I was thinkin the same thing....do you have two batts or just the 2400 because I would prefer to avoid a second battery...
  10. I edited the score because a friend on another forum noticed my mistake...my real score was a 145.9
  11. Thanks guys....it was pretty fun considering I only got a 143 on the burb when I first tested....My first score would have been higher if I knew what I was doing...prolly a 146+ but I didn't figure a lotta stuff out till the end of the show lol
  12. I got second place in street 5 w/ a 145.9 4th place in port wars w/ a 156.6 good day....pics later but I have to go to work! edit....note I changed 143.9 to 145.9 , I mistyped it
  13. Illegal amplification....is that in florida??? I know you can't be heard from a hundred feet (even though a factory buick can be heard from that far on a relatively quiet day) but illegal amps?
  14. Chick-fil-a for the mother fuckin win!!! There chicken is the best fried chicken anywhere, period.
  15. When did that start? I wonder if mine has it?
  16. They didn't do it for the cheeseburgers, but hamburgers are always 29c on a leap year day
  17. the store I went to said they sold 200 already, and they started 2 hours ago I got ten cuz thats the limit per person per order edit...I meant 2000
  18. I hate McDonalds....but spending 3.09 for 10 burgers is amazing....happy leap day!!!
  19. Damn if you came out with new woofers I think a lot a people would of bought em on the spot....would be a good idea for next time! I woulda gotten them!
  20. Holy helll.....I bow down Steve! Chicken you are lucky as hell....we were talkin bout Casinos in history today and it made me think of the caddy
  21. Mine were shipped quick...I waited bout 4 days for it to ship and 5 days shipping...
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