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Marlo Stanfield

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Everything posted by Marlo Stanfield

  1. IMO it's pointless to get HDC3s if you're planning on running only 1100watts to each and that's before box rise. Stick with the L7s if you're gonna run that power, it will be louder than the HDC3s on that power.
  2. Email Rusty, he'll know best.. Why wouldn't u just run lvl4s with that amount of power?? But something in the area of 5.5ft3 @ 34hz w/ 75sq in of port, idk how well something like that will fit in a pretty tiny trunk.
  3. Just don't be stupid where u play your system and you won't run into problems... I've be running systems that do a 150+ for 4 years now(in 3 diff. states) and I've never gotten a ticket or warning.
  4. That amp is gonna do like 1200-1400w @ 1ohm before rise, just to let u know. Personally I'd run the single 15" Havoc, like accord said they are brutal on the lows.
  5. AQ 2200D + 2 15" L7s + HUGE box would be a nice combo... With the correct box setup you won't be dissapointed with the results.
  6. Couldn't agree more... In at least 60% of the sub threads all these subs are mentioned, it's not too difficult to look up specs and prices.
  7. Speeding that excessively to me is driving like an asshole(you don't have to be weaving to do so), but I've done it like everyone else in the past. I used to drive 85-100 on my way to work everyday, until I got into a bad accident(not at fault + wasn't speeding). It changed my whole driving style, if I would have been doing my usual highway speed more than likely I would have been dead. But yea being 19 your insurance is definitely on its way up, if I were in your shoes I'd offer to pay the difference. It will show responsibility for your actions and I hope that you're at least paying for the ticket too.
  8. The 6 tickets thing was to a different person that posted in this thread lol. But i see you got a new court date, gives u sum extra time to think about everything and figure out the situation. Just call a lawyer and talk to him about what realistically could happen if u are found guilty. Seems like you should be alrite either way though, I misunderstood all the shit u said earlier in the thread.
  9. What if the dude really had a friend in your area and wanted him to ship it to make sure everything was packaged properly?? But by all means, open the door and drop him with a hard right hook.
  10. Yep and it's treated with standard flu medications also, we weren't 100% prepared for something a little different than the standard flu.
  11. Great job Ed and I did learn sum too, they should play vids like this in HS auto classes lol.
  12. Do any of the your year vehicles seats fold down?? Sometimes just certain models have folding rear seat and sum don't. If that's the case, check local junkyards so maybe you can swap them out. Or sounds like you're just gonna have to take out the back piece itself if u want it to flow straight through. Another option would be to port through the rear deck to let the air flow and you will have pretty significant gains if done correctly.
  13. In most states either doubling the speed limit below 40mph is considered reckless driving and above 40 it's like 25-30mph above the posted limit also is considered reckless driving. But it does vary greatly from state to state, but regardless the OP will be have points on his license and insurance will sky rocket because of this. To the OP - how old are you and what do u drive??
  14. I guess I'll be a nice guy tonite and throw out my happy b-day wishes to all whom are celebrating today.
  15. Wow i see the google is still properly working this late at night/morning. I actually heard he liked weiners and all the greek gods were whippin' them out for everyone to see, so he ran to go check them out maybe even give them a lil lick. Btw that's not how the word marathon came to be, get your facts straight... It was actually just named after the town in the Florida Keys, now who's the smart one.
  16. Could have saved up another $30 and bought the AP 1500D, it will actually do rated power unlike your crunch amp.
  17. Also L7s have huge amounts of output potential and anyone that says otherwise has never really put them through the paces... I've seen a 150+ USACI style w/ a single 15" L7 and 2000w in a single cab truck. I've personally done a 149.1 @ dash w/ 2 15" L7s off RF T3000D in a daily enclosure, in my expo. With 1200-1500w there aren't many subs can hang with them in that price/power range, if they are setup correctly which many aren't. 6 15" L7s off 3 AP3000Ds did a 153.9 @ the dash, in a Suburban, and below the window line. For mid range subs, off cheap amps, in a low tuned enclosure(34hz), and in a big SUV that is a pretty nice number. I've also heard from many that their SQ is horrible, I'm no audiophile but setup correctly they don't sound any worse IMO than say an RE SX. They aren't sq woofers by any means, but there are so many poorly setups w/ L7s that it's rare to hear a proper one. Btw I'm not a kicker fanboy, I just think it's ridiculous that alot of people comment on woofers that they've never personally played with or heard properly setup before. Then go on to suggest other companies and woofers they've never owned/heard/seen in person before. Personally i find it quite comical and I know some of the older members here will agree with me on that point.
  18. Very dependant on many different things, so that is not an entirely accurate statement(ex. 2 15" BTLs getting 1250w per sub will prolli not be as loud a single 18 on 2500w, regardless of the cone area advantage, 353.35in2 vs 254.34in2 in this case). Btw HDC3 15s are $310 each after shipping. The AQ setup u have listed also doesn't factor in the HO alt ($300-500) and the extra batts in back($300-600) needed to support that amount of amperage. Bare necessities IMO would be a 200amp HO alt($300-500), batt under hood($150-250) and at least one extra bug batt in back($300-600) but, realistically you'd want at least two. It's insane for me to see all these 16-18yr old kids running 3000 watts or more daily w/ a stock alt and a maybe a big batt in back to back it up. Then they wonder why they are getting shit power @ 11v and ask why the amps live in protect mode or see the magic smoke. If you're gonna spend thousands on subs/amps/speakers/HU, why skimp on the single most important part of your system(the actual system that runs everything lol). My rant for the night.
  19. Marathons + cold weather = not so good results... But this really is a tragedy though, a friend of my family is a marathon runner and saw a running partner die on mile 24 like 10 years ago from a heart attack. Marathons are such a brutal assault on the body that deaths do occur somewhat often during them.
  20. Don't get that amp... For a cheap amp that does legit power look into an Audiopipe 1500D. The old BTL had 2 slugs w/ a 3rd slug option.
  21. Maybe don't drive like an asshole and things like this won't be happening... You should pay whatever increase if you insurance occurs because of it, it will go up too.
  22. How do u get 6 different tickets at the same time?? Please explain I been living in FL now for just over 3 years now and I still have a NY license lol. I had my fair share of legal issues, but the majority was before I turned 18. All of it was exsponged when i turned 18, after a deal was made when i was 16. But 6 years ago(when i was 19) I served 6 months, then 6 more of house arrest, and 5 years of probation for sum stupid shit I did. I was looking at 4 years but since I had a "clean" record, plead guilty, and agreed to a deal it got cut down. So my words to the OP are as follows - Straighten your situation out and don't let it keep catching up to ya. You're a fucking adult and you broke the law, so face the music to stop making things worse. Prison is no joke and is somewhere i hope to never be again, i wish that on no one else either. That's the main reason why I'm a paralegal and while going to school at night to get my law degree. If you have any questions or concerns just hit me up and I can prolli help you out/give words of advice.
  23. If you're fusing the wire from shorts and what not then within 18" of the connection point on the batt. Btw follow what bangin caddy said, it's exactly where I was going with it.
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