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Everything posted by Brandon15zzz

  1. ^^^ x2 I was thinkin about the xl's after ive seen the power they can handle
  2. x3 i sellin alot of my stuff soon and i was goin to get an alt and a SAE1200 but maybe ill wait to get one of these beasts. Also have you decided on a price for them yet, not the pre-sale price but regular price?
  3. Gutpics or its just the outer case
  4. Message Forum member ForevrBumpin or ssackett im sure they can hook you up with what you need
  5. that motor looks tiny o well have fun putting it in and good luck
  6. Im sure if you email him that he will be able to help you out and answer your questions alot better and get you what you need
  7. yea i downloaded the first like 6 zips on my mp3 and then seen it was goin to run out of space so then i decided to go to walmart and buy a 8gb usb and downloaded all of the zips onto it. theres so many songs the first like 6 or 7 zips theres like 333 i think on my mp3
  8. I have no clue on the difference. I looked at both of the specs and they look the same. But I would go with the red one cause its cheaper plus I like red better.
  9. nice looking equipment. What is it 2 Saz1000D's and 2 Z15 also one 100.4?
  10. not sure if you should run an optima and an xs in the back. I seen in another thread that you should run the same brand . I dont see a problem with running them like that but maybe someone with more experience with batts will help you with that. But it wont hurt to email nathan @ xs power for more info on there batts plus check there section on the forum if you havent already. hope this helps a liitle sounds like your off to a good start and good luck.
  11. sounds to me like DC 1 - Random guy 0 lol and inb4 somebody posts "Cool story bro"
  12. sorry to here about this, I hope everything will turn out ok
  13. yea im thinkin about the 55w 10k
  14. Thanks guys, glad I could take some stuff off of your hands
  15. loud wat ones are you geeting like bulb type and watt and color?
  16. k3n12ock wat watt and bulb type did you get on yours because i want ones that are a blueish tint i think im goin to do the 35W with the 10k
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