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Everything posted by rusty959

  1. well first of all, what are you needing to weld?
  2. Wow meade, I didn't realize you had a revo. Ive seen some king etc say some stuff about r/c though... nice. Ive got a older revo 2.5 myself, haven't ran it in a while though. But yea, ive always had a slight soft spot for the air side of the hobby, it just isn't as convenient as the ground. some of those are simply amazing.
  3. Im going to have to lean toward what loudcav said... though you (ChevyBoy) said it yourself too... More air isn't ever really a problem as long as the mixture is right. It is all in how much fuel there is for the amount of air. Anyways, to help you out a little.... What 5.0 do you have? carbed or fuel injected?
  4. Looks good. orrignally mine was a I6 as well. Im honestly not sure if there was ever a v-8 in it or not, but I know they started the swap atleast though
  5. Potentially if you get to the true roots of the phrase true power.... even the rockford power series isn't technically "true power" as their 4kw amp doesn't put out exactly 4kw for example. Am I speaking stupidly? probably. Anyways, kinda like toxiccasper said, each line in within a company varies, as well as how much they actually put out even within the same model. Realistically, for the information you seem to be wanting... it might be better to ask what amp company puts out the most power compared to what it is rated, or what company puts out the most power, or which of these companies amps actually put out what they are rated, or some question similar. idk
  6. Yes, building a rig is definitely up there on the list of fun things to do. Im trying to hold off till summer on upgrading, or atleast just a video card upgrade, so ill have a fresh one for my first year of college.
  7. small school or do you just make sure everyone knows where they can steal a nice system? lol
  8. Did the windshield crack during that burp? Im pretty sure it is broken one way or the other, just couldn't see much of it before the start of the burp...
  9. Yea, I saw this first time it was posted. Yet, I read it again and lol'ed more than I have in a long while. Now that I have had part of a year of Brit Lit and have actually read Oedipus the king, it makes more sense. Lawlz
  10. Ive got some friends in the somerset area where I used to live ill let know about this.
  11. 36 is around what im at as well. The ceilings at school are 9 ft and I can lift them up with my head. thats the truth about getting bumped. I am extremely cautious about that, or atleast as much as one can be. So far ive been fortunate to only had my legs taken out from under me once I believe, and that was more of my fault anyways. Still mostly landed on my feet though, so it could have been worse.
  12. Very nice, you are the first person I have ever talked to who could. Any idea exactly what your vertical was? Actually, my biggest fear at the moment is landing wrong or something and messing up my legs... hopefully I won't have to hang up mine any time soon.
  13. remember you can't always put races into stereotypes... for example, how many white guys do you think there are who are under 6 ft tall yet can dunk? I don't know any besides myself I guess... Although I will say that a greater percentage of blacks are close to my vertical than whites are. Still though, there is no one in my school that can match mine, black or white.... In answer to the original question... I play a couple times a week, but I don't claim to be as good as the guys in that vid....
  14. Why do people so often make threads about random noobs saying they have a higher score than we know they would with the TL?
  15. Id suggest doing what I did... just keep an eye on craigslist and the local newspaper, and look cars up when you see one you might like. Using this method I managed to get a nice 93 probe gt in good shape considering the year for $1k
  16. Maybe some pics of said 12 layer coil and the extra dbeez would be in line??? http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/01nocomment8so.gif
  17. Have a dmm? check the voltage at the amp when the bass hits, especially what it gets to when the amp cuts out. I am having the same problem with my kx1200.1, but it isn't due to voltage.
  18. I love how he says "still bored" in the description...
  19. Good stuff right there. Id have to say my favorite is "talk'n bout me," and its the only one not able to be downloaded... As long as ive got atleast a tiny bit of cash flow sometime in the future, you can bet ill pick up the album when its out.
  20. Dang, in all of my recent thinking of a college major etc... I have completely forgot about nanotechnology... Thanks for bringing that idea back. I really hope this technology continues to see improvement, but think about all of the uses of nanotechnology... both good and bad, besides what was seen with the morph concept. For one, electronic devices could be hidden literally everywhere. Again... both good and bad... Someone could put a camera anywhere and it would never be noticed, etc. Crazy when you think about it. That and other things of course.
  21. hmm.... some contrary views... lol. So As a genneral summery, seems like most of you are saying that if I don't mind re-learning some of the keys etc... go with the 89. Im thinking thats what Im going to do... Besides the fact I love the thought of more powerfull electronics... Thanks all for the help
  22. third? lol, why three? I thought I was bad for losing my one calculator in the move... lol So is it much different to use than a 83/84+? I wish I had access to one so I could just spend some time with it, but unfortunately I dont.
  23. I have/had a ti-84 silver eddition, which of course in function is pretty much identical to the ti-83+ etc. Ive become pretty decently familiar with it doing random stuff, like graphing lines of course, multiplying matrices and all that fun stuff. Right now im going into precal/trig as a pretty advanced student, and will likely be going into college for an engineering type field. In the process of moving recently, i am unable to find my ti-84, so I am being forced with getting another. Here is my question, and it would likely need to be answered by someone has used both: Should I just spend the extra money and get the ti-89 or stick with the 84? Really what im needing to know is how different doing things with the ti-89 is from the ti-84. I know a little is different I just don't know how much. If it isn't much different than the 84's etc, I would just go ahead and go with it, cause I never know down the road when I would need it instead of the lower ones anyways, and it isn't a big deal with me to have to switch to the 83 or 84 just to retake the SAT or the such. So has anyone spent enough time with both to know how hard it would be to learn the ti-89? Thanks for any input any of you might have.
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