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Status Updates posted by RickyFriery97

  1. got the truck leveled, 2.5" in the front. pics in my thread check it out!

  2. gotta get some beat in the tahoe....stock stereo FTL

  3. Guess who finally started their 2 18" box??

    1. OrionStang



      Oh wait, its about fucking time.

  4. Guess who just popped a RF T2500BDCP? Fml I'm so pissed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RickyFriery97


      possibly, we will see..

    3. BeatBox


      ughh that sucks, time to save up and do it all over again. wouldnt be fun if everything worked perfectly

    4. RickyFriery97


      yup thats true, im sending it in to get refurbed in the AM

  5. gunna go work on the burban and she if she'll still crank, fingers crossed!

  6. Had a nail go through my boot straight to the bone yesterday, not walking to well today lol

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Did that one time...tearing down old deck and built in spa...wearing vans I stepped on a long ass roofing nail full weight with stuff in my arms...it came out through the top of my vans...missed all bones though. Lucky it was still in a piece of wood it pulled out when I pulled my foot up...FUCK that crap that burns like no other.

    2. RooTxBeeR
  7. had to order a wiring harness for my HIDs, hopefully that fixes my small flickering problem. damn computer controlled headlights -__-

    1. raolito1980


      Good to know because I want to HIDS in mine. I did HIDS in a 07 Tahoe I had and my left headlight flickered a little. What you doing for bang?

  8. Having a hard time deciding on door speakers..

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. jg23


      and they do get loud and stilll sound good

    3. RickyFriery97


      Are you using the amps internal cross overs?

    4. jg23


      yea for the xls. i have cross overs for the 3s and tweets

  9. Having a very hard time deciding on what componets and 4 channel to run in the tahoe

    1. jg23


      hertz are loud and clear.

      lots of midbass too

  10. Headin to ATX for the weekend tomorrow, needless to say my liver will hate me by the end of the weekend

  11. holy shit, for two 18"s on 2500W rms they are LOUD!!

  12. home depot run in a lil then working on my rides

    1. blownengine


      Home Depot is my second home. I spend hours in there.

  13. home depot run in a lil then working on my rides

  14. hopefully picking up the new truck tomorrow

  15. hoping the body shop starts on my truck this week, i cant stand not having it -__-

  16. How many Sq Ft of deadner do yall think i should order to get the floor deadned of my 2 door full size blazer? loking to kill road and exhaust noise

    1. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      i did my full floor in my 4 door blazer with about 75feet i think.. that was from front firewall to rear tailgate and some of the doors... id say get 100 and go all out lol

  17. i can brainstorm on stereo setups for hours...im sure everyone else here can to

  18. i guess ill start my box after i pay rent on the first.

    1. OrionStang


      Priorities suck, don't they? I'm trying to budget in $100-150 of resin and mat.

  19. i will be going to china in 43 days...its a work trip but i know it will be crazy...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azagtoth502


      steal some groovy designs like they do

    3. IBleedMusick


      LMFAO yeah punch a china man

    4. OrionStang


      Goddamn right!!! LOL

  20. I'm in Beijing, china. 5am here

  21. if its not one thing its another, gotta drop more $ into the blazer now

  22. im really starting to miss having a system...

  23. is it really raining or am i seeing shit??

    1. DudeWith4x4


      Your seein' shit Ricky. lol

  24. just found out my old 2 18" box will fit with plenty of room in my blazer :) bout to get loud again!

  25. just got my AQ HDC3 18" in, bout to get it wired up!!

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