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Everything posted by hdorre

  1. Are you thinking of Justin? He had a Stormtrooper right.. White Yukon with black rims and like 4 18" Soundstream subs?
  2. One person that stands out to me is EclipseChris aka TercelChris. Another is SuperJay.
  3. Is there any way to easily do this? I already have a rectangle hole in my dash due to my current volt meter and the hole in shorter, but wider than the VM1. I'd like to mount the VM1s board to a sheet of smoked lexan and install it in my dash. So, my questions are.. Is there any way to remove the bezel, and what are the dimensions (h & w) of the board?
  4. Quick question on your belt.. is that a Gates Micro-V? Looks like it. Do you have any slip?
  5. I see the title and that the OP is you.. then open up the thread to find out that Ive been TEASED!!
  6. Fuck.. Its nice to have connections :D

  7. When I saw the first few pics, I thought you'd be doing an a pillar gauge pod.. But this looks so much cleaner.
  8. Its sweet that you put him in the drivers seat of the Civic. Oh my god.. the exhaust on the ISF..
  9. Well I was assuming he is.The least questioned assumptions are often the most questionable.
  10. My 4 channel and t1500-1bdCP both hummed when theyre clipping when I was setting my gains.
  11. No matter how you look at it.. there isnt a clear cut "best" Sundown driver. I do know however, that my SA8v1.5s do a damn good job playing all different types of music. If you dont cut corners on the install, I believe that any of their drivers will sound great. Ive heard SA8 v1s, v2, E8s, and Nightshades (I think v2s).. and they all sounded awesome. Then again, Im sure they were in good boxes.
  12. I knew college books wouldnt be cheap.. but damn...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lbox88


      Wait til you get a semester where every mother fucker wants you to buy a brand new edition that just came out. My worst was ~$800 for one semester, 4 books, 2 came with proprietary software you had to use, 3rd came with a small bundle of supplies you had to have.

    3. Nick580


      I usually wait and see how my classes turn out before I buy books. There are typically 1 or 2 classes in which you never use your textbook

    4. hdorre


      One Way: Shit, why didnt I think of that! Craigslist is one of the few places that I didnt even THINK to look haha

      Lbox: $800 for 1 semester? Fuck me.. LOL Im sure that will come sooner or later.

      Nick: Im starting my Freshman year in 3 weeks, so I dont want to have to worry about books.. On top of all the other shit lol Next semester, Ill feel more comfortable.

  13. Funny.. I feed more than that to my SA8v1.5s haha.. I could just imagine what beasts these will be! You have my interest.. hmm...
  14. Im still in awe that you did this to a brand new truck.. no fucks given.. hahaha Good shit
  15. I agree 100%. If It was set up the way you explained it, I'd have one in my car. It's crazy how all the SMDs were the same voltage, and moved together. That says something...
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