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Everything posted by Robert8252

  1. They released videos and more details on it today. Looks like half naval missions, half land missions. I loved the naval mission in AC3 so excited about that.
  2. I'm excited for it but am worried about the quick turn around. Do look forward to it being on next gen consoles though.
  3. I really wish it was sooner but am also glad it's not. TLOU, GOW, Beyond: Two Souls, Tomb Raider, and Dead Island coming this spring. Plus Sim City on PC. Really hoping for new consoles at the end of the year and this just looks like the current gen is going out with a bang.
  4. I saw you had logged in finally after MONTHS! See you online. Lol
  5. You need to get a damn tv bobby. It's been 4 months since you've been on! Lol. Just get one for 50 off Craig's list to have something. Or you could use a computer monitor.
  6. Anyone else pick this up today? Couple hours in and I really like it so far. Never played the first or second one but from what I can tell it seems like its going to be a in game. A mix of assasins creed and call of duty gameplay it feels like. If anyone else is picking it up on ps3. I see it has different multiplayer modes. Guessing co-op is like dead island but I haven't tried it yet. Visuals are pretty good and controls are fluent so far.
  7. I like it a lot. Favorite need for speed in a few years for sure. Beat the game 100% on my vita and just picked it up on Black Friday from walmart for 25 for my ps3 and starting to go back through it. Drifting is a good way to keep your speed up around corners but I've won plenty of races just by braking before the turn. I found the cars to handle good and didn't have that many problems getting used to the controls.
  8. Bottle of crown black, 24pk of coke, turkey, and online shopping. Happy Turkey Day everyone. Stay safe.

    1. OrionStang


      Del Taco, Nos energy drinks, waiting to go to Moms house later. I really wish we would do dinner earlier in the day.

    2. Kyblack76


      Inlaw time...

      Good and hung over from last night....

      Cheers all..

    3. 98GCLimited
  9. Go into settings and network connections. See what your nat type says it is. If 3 you might be screwed.
  10. You'd have to be more specific. You can't sign in to playstation network on the cross menu bar or you can't get a certain game to play online?
  11. Lol. When you put it like that. Fighting could have more to it but I've been playing batman arkum city recently so it's kind of the same boring three button combo. I did hate the solders with back packs. Got annoying sometimes. The beginning did seem to take a while for what could have been cut down to just a hour or two instead of the 4-5 it took me. The ending was fine for me but it did feel a little unanswered in some parts.
  12. I beat the story Friday night. I really liked it. I know I big complaint it r1 being the jump and run button and running into walls or climbing when you don't want to but I only had that problem a few times. Didn't ruin anything for me. Haven't tried the multiplayer at all yet but it looks good.
  13. Just beat sequence 10. 2 more to go and I've beat the story. Have been spending too much time on side missions and collectibles. Lol. I still like it a lot. Have had 1 glitch where I got stock in the floor and had to reload in around 30 hours of gameplay now probably. Still would recommend it if someone was thinking about it. I get my vita liberation bundle tomorrow so I need to get through this one first.
  14. Well. 14 or so hours into the game now, not even half way through the story and I'm hooked. Really don't want to put the controller down. I've stopped to shower, smoke and make food today and that's it. Lol. I wasn't a fan of AC and I really like it so if you like it at all go ahead and pick it up.
  15. I've been on it all night and morning tard. Quit acting like you have a life and get online. Lol. I like it so far. Think I'm 15-20% through. Probably behind to some gamers but I enjoy looking around. It's only my second AC. I had the first one and got so damn bored with it I never played another. I like this one so far. Defiantly better than Dishonored or MOH by far.
  16. Sucks. Could try this? Wouldn't hurt I suppose. http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-3/YLOD-REPAIR-GUIDE-NEW/td-p/4451455 I just replaced the thermal paste and pads on mine last month and damn it was dirty inside.
  17. I'm stuck on the mission called "Preacher" you have to chase a guy through a village and his compound then escape. While escaping the first gun fight you stop for in a round circle building after clearing out the enemies I can not go anywhere. Me and mother are stuck waiting at the doorway with no options to breach. I see the word breach while walking to the doorway but once there it's gone and reloading from a check point will not load. Just redid the entire mission for the same damn outcome.
  18. Now I was 20 minutes into a mission and walking towards an entrance to breach and once I got there I couldn't do it. The command was gone. Reload from checkpoint screen went black. Have reloaded the entire game 3 times now and it sill wont load. Grrr
  19. About 3 hours into the campaign now. Not being harsh but it might sound like it. The story is good but sometimes I feel like I missed or didn't know what was going on. The graphics are a little above average but nothing game changing. Water could be a little more realistic and actually seeing enemies can be hard to spot. Also multiple times there have been big delays where nothing happens. I finish taking out all of the enemies and until I randomly walk a certain direction it doesn't progress. Fine if I was the team leader or had a marker where to head but that isn't the case. Had it completely stop at one point in a sniper mission. Took out a couple RPGs and then the next goal was to take out the SAM and no options or target were available. Restarted the mission and that time the helicopters took out the target. Not a default brightness adjustment like most games have now. Was very hard to see in areas before manually adjusting the brightness. I am enjoying the game and story but those are just the bad things I've noticed. Guns are realistic and sounds are great in the game. Controls are quick to get used to. Will continue to play and plan on finishing the game and possibly going back to the video store to see if the code is in the booklet. Lol. If not oh well. I definitely would not call this a COD killer at all unless BLOPS2 is exactly like the last. Battlefield 3 campaign was far better IMO than Warfighter. I'll update later this week. Edit: also I HATE how I sometimes I have a team of almost 6 or more soldiers and yet I've seen them only take out maybe 2 enemies so far. Every grenade thrown is at me, every bullet fired is at me, I just feel other games are better about making you feel like you have a team fighting together and not just shadows around you firing blanks.
  20. Just picked it up from the video store to try. Won't be able to try the multiplayer because ea is a bunch of commies now but plan to go through the story mode. Loading up now. Worries me. There were two copies on the wall for PS3 and both were still there. But Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter had all 40 some copies gone. Lol
  21. That's one thing I do give them credit for. Each level gives you the feeling of free roam and the maps are decent size even though there's a different map for each mission. It does pick up after about a hour of game play. And agreed chevyboy. I never loved the graphics of fallout but the gameplay and story kept me busy for hours and hours and hours.
  22. Yeh. The graphics are by no means bad but they fall right in line with fallout I would say.
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