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Everything posted by bdog

  1. sorry about my earlier comment guys i did not realize he started this by killing two innocent people
  2. maybe i should of watched the news better i didnt know he was killing guys!!
  3. does it make me a bad person if im rooting for him ? i just have this thing where i have to root for the under dog.
  4. there are a few things that screw with you after the tune from a dd-1 like moving anything up on the EQ after tuning or playing already clipped music or dropping voltage. sundown rates the E at 400 watts and they know it takes 700 clean to kill it so when they see a thermal failure they know its user error.
  5. if your subs are d4 and u buy d4 two amps can get you to 1ohm per amp or 1amp at .5 or 2ohm
  6. only wire at .5 ohm if your willing to blow your amp..not saying your going to but it might happen
  7. iirc they burn up at 700 plus on a 5 minute burp free air. so i can see 800 on clean music being ok if you dont clip it
  8. 9 times out of 10 ten it will be jealousy then there is the internet tough guys who just want to pick e'fights , the attention whores who want to be noticed, the ignorant people how dont understand our hobby, and the just all around douche bags. between all of this it can get quite nuts but there is really nothing you can do about if just take it as a complement that your doing something so well it drives them nuts!!
  9. actually, you CAN. The problem is, the third card won't be that dramatic of a difference. Knowing him though, if it can be done, he will want it done. I'm almost certain you can do it. If it doesn't work, i will drop back to 2 but right now its looking like 3. I was certain that you can only have 4 GPU max when during SLI or Crossfire. I heard that 680's are better then 690's. here is a link - http://www.videocard...h_end_gpus.html Just my 2 cent there is no way a 680 is better then a 690. A 690 consists of 2 680's......i don't know who's results those are but they won't be mine. I personally own 2 GTX 580's and its showing the 690 BARELY better then that one. I think not LOL. Those score are based on public passmark tests. There is no way to tell what rig they have, most the rigs witht he 680's could have been built way better. And i believe that the drivers were not up to par for the 690 when they were first released and had performance issues with some games. That being said im sure that has changed by now.
  10. look at the end of the cord does it have all the contacts or is there empty slots?
  11. how many did you pick up? 24? lmao. i know the sound your speaking of i think all subs do it at a certain point
  12. i never thought about deaf people being able to enjoy bass. that is awsome!!!! Good on you
  13. the v3's have a clipping light on the remote? does this mean it is built in the same factory as aq and dc?
  14. There is authorized Canadian dealers like me you should buy through if you live in Canada. "Sundown audio Canada" does not warranty products obtained through USA dealers. in fact you dont save any money and woofersetc is breaking the dealer contract by selling to canada when they are not suppose to.
  15. mrsp is about $1050 on a 12 inch so they will probably start at $740 and they are nothing like the old nightshade they have way way more into them
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