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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. gone to sleep im tired as shit....

  2. gonna have to purplesyrub my BL 15

  3. gonna install my shit in a month or so...gonny try with a sealed box for the 12s first

  4. gonna make a box and tune it to 40HZ so i can pump some dubstep and stuff... yet again im gonna run at 0,5...cause you love the half

    1. OrionStang
    2. deathcards


      don't forget to do a 20 hz burp that sound from hitting the backplate is sick

    3. dangaranga


      but but but............. I want all the deebeez. gotta be tuned to 55hz bruh

  5. gonna repair my quad in a couple of days..need some things to get fixed, lube the parts and change the oil...also need to go for a ride as i havent touched the ride for about 4 months...

  6. gonna sell all my gear..maybe keep the 2515, but i dont knnow it yet and buying me a proper car not this small one..hurts my back when driving longer than an hour, and the car is hard as a rock

  7. gonna take a break..build me a nice box and maybe and then get something lighter and smaller..and tune a little higher than i normally do..probably some new material going in

  8. gonny start to build me a box for 2 12s each of the 12inch sub would get separate chamber but both ported...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      I think Ken is questioning that the OP actually has the equipment.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      oh i know. Just trying to be funny!

    4. gally


      equipement is here its just that i wont work in the colldness and the snowy weather makes me to hold up on all the things.. also the subs are going to be the old radioactive 30spl series..and im not that of a picture guy...but if you gugy insist ill send you the pics on ocassion

  9. gopro hero for 80€?nice,....now i need the suction cup

  10. got a 2000 Golf IV for car audio things

  11. got a killer deal for a GoPro hero 2 camera...gonny buy i t ...just need to wait for thursday

  12. got a look on some new subs GZRW 30XSPL D1..looks promising, will see in the future if i would buy them...for a 1500wRMS sub and a price od 200€its not that bad

  13. Got me 2 12s from a radioactive series,.played fine with the old dd m1b.,today i got me the ground zero plutonium 4k amp..wired the same as before to 1 ohm..the sound is brutal compated from before,.

    1. gally



      Also changed the HU to a alpine ute 72bt..not the best but performs really well for now..nox is tuned to 40hz

    2. BoomZoom808
    3. gally


      Not yetas i need to set a youtube account or something..

  14. got me 2 NSB s today, got my car cleaned, got me a nice pire of wires...and i need some other things..

  15. got me a 8400BT, ordered some radio adapters..bought some parts and got me something for me..

  16. got me a deal on Xbox ONE for 240€, but still going to build me a proper pc

  17. got me a demo today from a guy who has a single GZRW 15 tuned to like 29..and it slammed the lows..and there are only like 200€ a piece..like the same price as the RW 30XSPL..damn...i want that 15 too...but i still want to try 2 12s or even 4 12s..

  18. got me another M!b...

  19. Got me anotheR M1b

    1. OrionStang


      You need to quit buyin shit and get a new car LOL

    2. gally


      was only 180€

  20. got me the xbox one anyway but the UI sucks big time..i never ever had so many problems just searcihng troughl...fuck..

    1. CstrokerV


      it was better before the update alot better but you will get use to it

    2. tyma1026


      True. I love it now that I am used to it.

  21. got some things to get straight...build a PC or Get another Subwoofer and finish the box..and let it bang

  22. got the package of the VU-1 but there was no VU-1 inside...package WAS OPEN...damn post office...did a complaint already and called some info on the item

  23. gott a call froma cars dealership...they told me that the car will arive 3weeks from now...hell yeah.....other thing got A trade for a dragster dwq 256sub

  24. gunnem what did you mean with the question ˝what kind of turbo can you get in your area?? ˝..like a car or something else??

    1. OrionStang


      Aftermarket. Only way to make the POS cars you got there move any faster.

    2. gally


      installs for something like that costs a lot of money over here..counting between 1200-3000€ per install + turbo..

      was thinking of getting me a 1.4 turbo engine...and later get me a bigger turbo...

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