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AI James

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Everything posted by AI James

  1. thats a tear, you can tell in the video that it wasnt a glue joint that let loose. I have one (a dd) free airing for going on 15 hours after today. 20hz 450ish rms to a 3512 about half excursion...if thats not enough of break in...i dont know what is. When i turned it off last night it felt no looser then when i started the whole prosess.
  2. Sorry but i just wont take that breaking a sub in will prevent a surround that stays the same density from ripping. Seems like a limit was reacjed and the surrpund pulled itself apart there to me
  3. You have ht25s ? Ive had a bunch. Anyhow orion were on the lookout
  4. ht 25s arent 1 inch i believe they are a lil smaller then a inch meh im wrong...id look at ht28 though not ht25
  5. ssd hdd through usb and inverter
  6. hmm no problems here with mine and the 500gb hdd i have one it.
  7. Wow i read through all this and amazing that so many people are questioning this device that theres been plenty of video proof of how it works .....those same people will grab up brand x product just becasue someone else said it was the best out there....pretty comical to say the least. O well, least my ignorance hasnt kept me from having access to using tool that make my job easier.
  8. they are dealers of most of the stuff they sell as well. a company kinda has to scratch thier back not the other way around since they arent getting anything out of showcasing some unknown companies stuff.
  9. ive never had a subwoofer related issue in the whole time ive been in the game and i just set it and forget it. I do understand why some may need it but some of the breakin standards of some companies are bullshit....ie one that says allow 200+ hours of breakin time before playing them at moderate to high levels. i dont buy stuff to play at baby volume for 200 hours .
  10. my trucks rollin 2.75 per 15 ported off 500 watts per 15 and still doing low 50's granted there are 4
  11. could alwasy buy them from a DD dealer
  12. i wouldnt put an xl in the ring with what else has been recommended. 3000rms on each of those BTL and Mayhem hands down a better choice.
  13. this should mean new chaos soon
  14. meh, even if you mess up you can ALWAYS unbrick a phone. its never done.
  15. Guy i went to school with Deshawn Stevenson, was drafted to the NBA after his junior year played with Utah Jazz made some stacks of cash.
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