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meade916 last won the day on May 24

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  1. that feeling you get when you want to rip into someone for being a little internet bitch.... but you can't because all they do is gain exposure out of the deal. Exactly what they want. Exactly what they can't have. The joy's of being ME.

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    2. sirhutson


      smoke a joint, hit the "fuck it" button, next please

    3. omnibus


      You mean that feeling of being a jerk to someone you don't even know or do you mean that feeling of being conceited? Because the only feel I get is that both were at play when you posted that. Negativity + negativity can never equal a positive.

      Personally I never felt the need to rip into some internet person as if I really cared what they had to say. It serves no purpose other than to glean negativity. Either what someone says is useful or insightful or it's useless and toxic. So which is it?

      BTW, just to be clear, this is constructive criticism based on this single post. It's telling of your personality to a point but may not indicate who you really are of course. If you can't handle it then don't. But constructive criticism can be insightful and useful to you in further online social interactions with others. Some people take any kind of criticism as an attack because that's how they choose to take it and never grew up enough to learn any other way. Life is short, don't let the actions and words of others control you less you want to be one of those "get off my lawn" guys.

    4. meade916



      "Feeling of being conceited"? what in the fuck are you talking about? do you even know? are you drunk? Dude, you got something mentally wrong with you. Also, nobody cares what you have or have never "felt the need" to do. The rest of your comment is just plain nutty. You can save your "constructive criticism" for your kids. You don't qualify to give me that and i fully reject it as bogus and NUTTY. You will never in your life tell me how to "further interact online". You are a straight up joke....or DRUNK. Go sleep it off.

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