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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. time to go into the sticker business! Ive had a machine for MONTHS. Soon, i will have tons of stuff available! Stay tuned.

  2. anyone heard from the young-bro Kasey Shutz (*sp) lately? haven't heard a word in months, hope he is ok!

  3. after 3 years of making payments on my 1999 Toyota 4Runner aka "Rolling Thunder" I'll be making the final one today, hell yeah, goal accomplished, all of my rides are mine, no more vehicle payments until I get a Mustang in about 3 years LOL

  4. my internet connections HATES loading smd. ads ads everywhere, no love those with limited data.

  5. my internet connections HATES loading smd. ads ads everywhere, no love those with limited data.

  6. my internet connections HATES loading smd. ads ads everywhere, no love those with limited data.

  7. Okay so why did my thread trying to help someone else get deleted?

  8. Bitches, sorry I keep looking at your tits. You can avoid this in the future by wearing shirts that don't show them fuckers off.

  9. it sucks being successful and being in a place in life where you have a lot to lose. Just means you cant knock the gay ass sunglasses off someones face who deserves it like back in the day when i didn't have shit.

  10. my neighbor saw me washing my Maxima & he was like yo Will you inspired me to wash my truck, I was like hell yeah!

  11. Goodmornig beautiful:) i love you so entirely much Angela Douglas

  12. Goodmornig beautiful:) i love you so entirely much Angela Douglas

  13. My Sh**s so fly, no lie, you know it. sanding and bondoing. itchy arms from fiberglass.

  14. whats all this talk about charging for demo's? i want in on this one! Maybe charge a little more for a picture and an autograph! cha-chinnnnnnggg! LOL.

  15. Just got dogged on and called a wanna be Ni##er by motha fuckin MALIBU'S MOST WANTED hahahha https://si0.twimg.co...wzd4w1l2a0.jpeg

  16. Just got dogged on and called a wanna be Ni##er by motha fuckin MALIBU'S MOST WANTED hahahha https://si0.twimg.co...wzd4w1l2a0.jpeg

  17. finally somebody is helping me :) with the smd recone

  18. finally somebody is helping me :) with the smd recone

  19. finally somebody is helping me :) with the smd recone

  20. finally somebody is helping me :) with the smd recone

  21. the overwhelming idiocy of the users on a certain classifieds site never ceases to amaze me. jesus christ on a dildo......

  22. 9 or so hours of sanding thru the night and still not done. esh!

  23. So no more TechForce either?Holy crap the sponsors are dropping like flies round here.

  24. 25ft cable for the battery charger = win

  25. scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal today’s status.

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