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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. So I became a Grandpa last Thursday to a a beautiful baby boy. This kid will be spoiled.

  2. Not sure if some of you remember but I posted up a few weeks ago that I was going to go try and play baseball again after about 22 years. Well I got the text this weekend when I was at the Gorge Amphitheater in Washington at the Dave Matthews Band Concert, relaxing, enjoying the music and a 24oz Coors Light, that I got picked up on a team! HELLL YEAHHHHH!!!! I'm sure not big news to some, but it is to me. Feeling pretty damn good right now!! Time to start swing...

  3. Ha. I had a thread removed. Hope I didn't do anything wrong.

  4. Another blowout. I hate rubber bands.

  5. Stupid kids just stole some shit out of my grandmas booth in the flea market. And she let them go, so I let them go

  6. People make me laugh all the damn time. Met this dude who said he had a system on a stock 100 alt on 20k watts and 8 xs3100 without any chargers, not killing his batteries and had 14v constant...LOLWUT?

  7. Snake Ass MotherF@ckers

  8. Here I am watching TV and saw Steve's face pop up on a commercial. Did a triple take there

  9. Northern California Fun!

  10. Anyone had the Mountain Dew Kickstarts? These things are awesome

  11. Say hello to the NEWEST member of TEAM Sundown!!!!!!

  12. Get your car in there for system of the month!!!!

  13. These question of the day things are kinda fun

  14. GN everyone, next time i post I'll be half the man i used to be!! lol

  15. wtf.... im stressing about this surgery big time! so unlike me. it's the fucking anesthesia part, i don't know why I'm trippin. now i can't sleep

  16. T-10 days till gallbladder surgery

  17. So, if a amp doesn't pass amp test? Is it still good?

    1. meade916


      @broke_audio_addict that seems to be the response i see the most hahaha! Never mind the manufacturer lied to your face and took your money based on that lie.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  18. so weird thing, my 80prs shows 13.5v but my smd meter shows ~14.5. both hooked to the same spot. weird as F

  19. money ain't everything, I can be broke but keep a million dollar smile!

  20. just DEMOLISHED the windshield on the DGAF tercel and broke a 160.2 at the dash! Instagram video clip is up and i am working on a YT video now. The 7" roundover on the port made a huge difference although it keeps blowing out even with large screws and washers.

  21. APV beach volleyball is on, this is such bullshit. Tall, skinny white girls wearing next to nothing. SUuuurrree, its a sport LOL.

  22. for into an argument with another officer at work. was called an arrogant asshole. my partner pulled me to the side and said he didn't think that about me at all, he sees me as a condescending fucking douchebag. ive never been given such s compliment, brought a tear to my eye. i hugged him very tight.

  23. If people only know who you are by accidentally spelling my name wrong, you probably shouldn't be calling ME the imposter. God damn i hate seeing people that i thought were cool dog shitting on me when they think i am not looking. People wonder why i distance myself from strangers. TRUST NO MAN is my motto and my circle is smaller than a pinhead because of it.

    1. meade916


      @ahmed that's a dope ass song i have never heard that before. Real shit too.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  24. If people only know who you are by accidentally spelling my name wrong, you probably shouldn't be calling ME the imposter. God damn i hate seeing people that i thought were cool dog shitting on me when they think i am not looking. People wonder why i distance myself from strangers. TRUST NO MAN is my motto and my circle is smaller than a pinhead because of it.

    1. meade916


      @orion...if you needed a buck, i have 10 for you. Simple as that. That's how i roll.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

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