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Status Updates posted by Bakerman

  1. Thanks to the internet, my christmas shopping is 98% done. My parents, Jimmy Baker and Angela Baker are gonna be surprised at what me and Nikki Wallace Baker got them! Love you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      are you saying you couldn't have done your shopping without the internet?

    3. Raptorman


      I feel like this is a facebook status.

    4. KillaCam


      It is, they are full names because they are tags.

  2. That awkward moment when you hover your mouse over a youtube video while your g/f is watching over your shoulder...

  3. That moment when you feel someone is watching you, and you turn around but no one is there...yeah, that was me. Watching over you.

  4. The cycle only repeats itself b/c you like total tools...

  5. The friendzone is like the mafia...you'll never get out.

  6. The only thing broken is your mamas chromosome count.

  7. The other day I was walking by the mental hospital, and I could hear everyone behind the fence shouting "13...13...13" The fence was too high to see over, so I got close and looked through the gap. About that time, someone poked me in the eye, and everyone started shouting "14...14...14"

  8. The statement "All men are the same" should really be "All men I LIKE are the same". C'mon ladies...lets be honest.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate
    3. IBleedMusick
    4. SnowDrifter


      Just say that all girls are the same. That should get someone riled up

  9. The world is suppossed to end tomorrow? How come nobody told me...

  10. This is a world built on promises, with a foundation layed by liars.

  11. This is the real me. I'm a hateful, inconsiderate, heartless person. No matter what I show on the outside, I have always cared about no one but myself. I have always been told that in the end, the only person by your side will be your shadow...and when times get dark, even he will run and hide. In my quest to get to the top, sometimes the foundations I have built crumble around me...and this is something I have to deal with. But recently, I have seen a change in myself. And its all because ...

  12. Time flies by...but i can keep up...

  13. Time to get up off this couch, and actually get my day started. I am dressed and ready to go, and had intentions of getting out about an hour ago...but mythbusters came on, and that was it.

  14. Today Ill dig deeper than ever to find the strength...bc right now its not there.

  15. Today will end up being a holiday...just watch.

  16. Todays Self Revelation: Painting is boring, and I suck at hanging blinds...

  17. Two of the babies come home today, and another comes this weekend. Gonna be a great week and weekend. I love my family!

  18. type your name:Baker type your name with your elbow:bakeedrrf type your name with your eyes closed: Baker type your name with your nose:baqkier type your name with your chin:bbker slam your face on the keyboard: vnj, Copy this status, delete my answers, and see how you do!! (hahaha that was kinda fun :-))

  19. Ugh, bed time I guess...I don't wanna!

  20. Ugh...sometimes i just wanna scream.

    1. WastedTalent


      We all scream for ice cream!

  21. Ugh...such a long weekend. Can't wait till Monday nite when I'm in the bed and can get a full nights sleep.

  22. Waiting on my AEL to get home. Its storming outside, so I'm about to hit up some BlackOps until she gets home! :)

    1. DeathByBass


      Playstation or Xbox

    2. Bakerman


      360 baby. Add me, bakerman88

  23. Was in the store buying some snacks, when i saw a guy buying himself and a friend some things with an EBT card. Then the guy walks out and gets into a NICE 2012 dodge challenger.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jsmoov777


      lol Hilarious. I bet it had chrome wheels since everyone and their mother has them

    3. Purplehaze


      How do you know that was his car? And we don't know how he got it either. You fuckers are so quick to judge people.... Does that make you feel better about yourself? Maybe if you all worried more about yourselves you too could be driving a new ride.... Hate to tell ya, but a lot of people qualify for assistance, that doesn't mean they have to drive shit boxes. I hate stupid people!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Purplehaze


      I have a friend, that is a cop, and he and his family get food stamps. And he also has a new Charger. Now, is my friend a piece of shit b/c he works to support his family and gets help, and drives a new car???

      Or are you supposed to say, "Oh wait, I'm on welfare, I can't buy this car, I gotta buy a piece of junk?"

      Get real punks.

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