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Everything posted by uhoh_45

  1. because the xxx is also one of the best extreme subs out there great job again czman
  2. laughed for a little then it just got sad i mean come on there little kids
  3. pm me whats going in it you know i love your builds man
  4. yeah your ported area is to small thats what it was you need anywhere from 2-2.7 cubes ported for this to work tuned to 60 hz
  5. how big is the sealed box and how big is the ported ? i'll try and help you out there too
  6. one thing i remember from your other thread was your sealed part was to big and the ported is tuned to 30 hz which means your probibably tuned low low low re tune the port closer to 60 hz and you'll notice a difference edit after watching video that sounds like shit you need work on enclosure more before you blow another sub
  7. its sunny here but fuck is it winy out almost had tornato yesterday
  8. are you polish by chance? and thats ashame the garage isnt being used as well a garage
  9. raytard wheres the picture of your gf in your sig and theres alot of shit you can do OP horns t-lines all sonosub normal ported but alot of it is determent on how well your wood working skills are
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